Due to LJ's massive disregard for our privacy....

Sep 06, 2010 13:03

....for the time being, my journal is going totally flist-locked.  From the comments I've read about this change, I trust no one is likely to link me to their facebook or twitter.

Well, LJ has put us in a position where 'trust' is all we can do about that.  I'm pretty sure I've entered a code that will stop the linking anyway.  I hope.  If you ( Read more... )

flocked, rl, lj privacy issues

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Comments 8

nightrider101 September 6 2010, 20:15:46 UTC
I don't blame you. The whole thing is very disconcerting.

I've made a DW account, but I hope it doesn't come to that. The idea of having to move just seems like a massive pain in the rump, but we can't be too careful.


60schic September 6 2010, 23:48:36 UTC
ITA I have a DW but just don't feel like learning all the ins and outs. I like the *chatablity* at LJ and would miss it.


oc_gambit2 September 20 2010, 07:05:37 UTC
'chatability'- good term! *grin* And I must agree, if DW doesn't provide such, I wouldn't much like it....


oc_gambit2 September 20 2010, 07:04:24 UTC
Sounds like they heard us, from what little 'ketchup' I've managed so far. *whew*

Nice to hear from you, whatever the topic, BTW! Hoping all is going well- *hugs*


indigorayne September 29 2010, 22:55:07 UTC
friend me? :D


oc_gambit2 September 29 2010, 23:01:14 UTC
*heh* you've been a good commenter- I suppose you're 'safe'- LOL! [that's TOTALLY tongue-in-cheek, don't worry]

*mocks own privacy paranoia*


indigorayne September 29 2010, 23:07:08 UTC
Cool, thanks!


oc_gambit2 September 29 2010, 23:03:26 UTC
PS. If you friended me a while ago, apologies if I didn't notice sooner. I'm not snobby, just oblivious.....*smile*


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