I AM HOMEEEE, YAYYY. Fuck yes, though the drive up took like 2 hours longer than it should've, blech. I also picked up my pre-ordered copy of the new Star Trek from Movie Stop before I left so yayyy that. Yay Thanksgiving and yay VA friends and yay family. AND YAY NO FUCKING SCHOOL. Yay. So here's a meme I've been neglecting, haha. Stolen from
savorvrymoment who
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Comments 4
Also, I Won't Say I'm in Love is my favourite song from that movie. ;D
And HELL YEAH. Loves me some Hercules, for sure.
OK I give you bandom (or whatever it is you call the OC boys bandom, haha), A7X, Alex Varkatzas, Brandan Schieppati, Harry Potter :D
Keep doing your memes - I get quite a lot of them from you ;-)
I totally will :P
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