Fic: so quite a new thing (Weevil/Veronica) PG

Sep 26, 2006 17:24


Title: so quite a new thing
Pairing/Character: Weevil/Veronica
Summary: If you asked them what happened, how it started, the only thing they’d agree on is the part about the beach.
A/N: Thanks to shealynn88 for encouragement and braintwinniness and general awesomeness, AS ALWAYS.

If you asked them what happened, how it started, the only thing they’d agree on is the part about the beach.

The way it started, if you asked him, is that she ran into him on his beach walking on a too-cold day in November and made fun of his toes in flip flops - she said that they were short and fat. He hadn’t seen her since graduation. He told her it had been too long; the minute he saw her, he regretted the loss of…whatever it was they’d had…their friendship or alliance or whatever…that symbiosis that meant he saw her a couple of times a week. He didn’t say that though. You look different is what he said and she touched the blonde hair that hung to her waist like he hadn’t seen it since before…everything; she touched her hair and smiled, not the snarky I’m-about-to-be-smarter-than-you smile…a different one and he wanted to hear all about Stanford but all she wanted to talk about was him.

There wouldn’t be a question, if you asked him when he knew he wanted her, that it was that Saturday afternoon on the beach and everything that came after that was just him waiting around for her to notice something in his emails or hear the difference in his voice.

If you ask her, when she thought about it, she’d say it went like this: On a Thursday morning during the Spring semester, she was walking back to the dorms from her Philosophy class. She was wearing flannel pajama pants and a Neptune sweatshirt, ratty sneakers and sunglasses. She was half-listening to Carrie talk about the guy she’d slept with the night before and planning what she would eat for lunch and how long she would let herself sleep before she dragged herself to the library to find books on Ancient Roman Architecture. And then they weren’t talking about Jim or Jeff or whatever his name was because Lucy interrupted Carrie - who is that? she asked and Veronica looked toward their dorm and in the parking lot was the green car, Weevil decidedly not in class at San Diego Community College on that Thursday morning like he was supposed to be.

She pushed her sunglasses up into her hair and smiled, surprised and so genuinely happy to see him there that she didn’t know what to say and instead of telling the girls that she knew this guy they were ogling, she just ran ahead of them and jumped into his arms. He caught her laughing and spun her around and she was saying, squealing, what are you doing here???? when he kissed her.

He kisses like this???? she thought - his mouth was warm on hers, his lips moving deftly between hers. His tongue skipped over her bottom lip like he was tasting it, sort of cautious and she responded in kind, tracing the smile that spread across his face at her response and when she laughed, he kissed her harder.

One, two, three, four, five kisses, each different: soft, lips, his tongue in her mouth - she tried to keep up, her hands running over his arms and up to the back of his neck and she didn’t even really know what they were doing but it was so odd that he was THERE…AT STANFORD...she’d talked to him the night before on the phone, had been stressed out and homesick and just wanted to hear his voice and like he knew, the phone rang and there he was on the other line, and then there at school with his hands in her hair.

You drove all this way, she wanted to say to him and why did we wait so long to do this and how long have you been thinking about it but all she could muster was a sort of strangled whispermoan between kisses as she tried to breathe without stopping it all and he swallowed it with another kiss and then laughed…and then someone else was laughing, two people and Veronica remembered herself and where she was and that Carrie and Lucy were still standing there.

They knew it was him. They figured it out, they said, after the kissing and we’ll let you guys be alone. Lucy punched Veronica in the shoulder. We’re going for coffee, she said. Throw a scrunchie on the door or something…you can use one of Carrie’s. Ha.

They went and had ice cream that day and went to the beach. If you asked her, she would tell you it was then that she knew. He was there, like he knew what she needed, and she didn’t feel homesick anymore standing there with him, their toes touching in the sand.


ee cummings ftw
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