Title: trusting who we are
Characters: Sam and Dean
Rating: PG
Summary/Notes: Unabashed old-fashioned curtain!fic. Probably the gayest explicit gen ever to have existed. Yes, explicit gen. For
cordelia_gray's prompt boys don't cry at
Word Count: ~2000
Dean's been so different since he's been happy, all these months in Howard, South Dakota, mechanic by day and badass hunter of supernatural evil on the weekends )
Comments 153
Like right now, as I write my Big Bang. Spoiler.
So yeah, this is brilliant.
Gen curtain!fic and gen epic love story of Sam and Dean are two of my favorite things, and having them combined makes me enormously happy. Especially when it includes Dean feeling safe and happy enough to pad around barefoot and whistle, and Sam feeling happy and safe enough to let himself own that he wants what he wants and he's allowed to have it. And I may possibly need to read that bit where Dean strokes Sam's nape-of-the-neck hair in passing a thousand or two thousand times. And through it all, the way they don't fit any of the definitions, they aren't just brothers but they aren't a couple, they are just what they are and they've finally settled into it.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I have such a thing for gen fic that nevertheless presents Sam and Dean as the more-than-brothers that they are, and all the complexities of that. Just - nnnngh, yes. I love them so much.
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