Title: Friday Night, Late Pairing: Shatnoy Rating: R Disclaimer: liiiiiiiiiies! Summary: Leonard arrives at Bill's apartment, rained on. They have sex. Wow, what a plot.
Oh, man, they were right. Gorgeous. You are the best, you really are. And your porn always has so much character; it wouldn't be nearly so hot without the little bitternesses and absurdities.
Oooo, thank you for such good, achy smut. I'm sick as a dog atm, and can't do much more than lay in bed, sneezing my head off, reading porn. (Oh, darn?) Anyway, I always love your fics, and I was happy to see a new one waiting for me. XD
Look I don't even know what to say about this. Shatnoy have been on my brain for the entire day and now I come home to this beautiful, intense escapade. Wonderful thank you so very much, as usual for your fabulous stories.
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