Fandom: Stargate SG1
Characters: Baal, Sam Carter and Cameron Mitchell
Pairing: Sam/Baal
Written for:
scifiland ILYLP [Villain] and
5_prompts [#4 It could have been worse]
Rating: FRT
Word Count: 1,413
Summary: Baal discovers one good deed does not wipe a slate clean
Baal isn't terribly surprised to arrive in the SGC and find himself at the wrong end of several rifles. He lifts his hands and eyes Colonel Mitchell with a smirk.
“Is this any way to greet an old friend?”
“Old, yes,” Mitchell replies, tone wry. “Friend? I hardly think so.”
“Not even when I have saved your lovely little planet? I'd have thought some gratitude was in order.”
The man's eyes narrow. “Tell you what, you return Colonel Carter to us and we'll show you how... uh, grateful we are.”
“Samantha is currently indisposed.” Baal smirks, thinking of her naked body in his bed. “I just came by to inform you that the Ori are no longer a threat to you or to anyone else.”
The soldiers glance at each other, weapons faltering. Mitchell, however, stands stock-still, suspicion in his blue eyes.
“Really? Care to prove that?”
Baal snorts. “And exactly how am I expected to do that? If you want proof, dial your Stargate and go through to any one of the many Ori-controlled planets you have stored in your database.”
“On your word?” Mitchell laughs. “Not in this lifetime.”
“Then wait,” he says and shrugs easily. “But eventually you will learn that I am speaking the truth. Unlike SG1, my plans tend to work to their fullest, though I have kept my promise - Samantha has the blueprints to my Prior weapon.”
“Yeah, and talking of - where is she? If you've hurt her...”
“Samantha is aboard my ship, awaiting the pleasure of my company no doubt. She seems to rather enjoy it.” He grins as Mitchell's eyes widen in realisation. "As I enjoy hers."
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” Mitchell says, voice disgusted. “There's no way Sam would... Ugh, my stomach turns at the thought of it.”
“Not only would she, but she has.” Thinking about it makes him smile wider. “And very pleasurable it was, too.” He laughs at the look on Mitchell's face. “Come now, Colonel; stop being so provincial. After all, it is merely a mutually satisfactory arrangement. Samantha proved the DNA and I supplied the mechanics.”
He is referring to the bomb, though he's fully aware it sounds anything but. He doesn't rightly care. Mitchell's outraged expression is worth the misunderstanding.
The colonel sneers at him. “What did you do, brainwash her? She'd never-”
“Oh, she would. I tell you honestly that I have done nothing to Samantha that she has not wanted. There has been no brainwashing or coercion of any description.” He raises his eyebrows and folds his arms. “I find such accusations extremely offensive.”
“I'm gutted for you. Really.”
Baal rolls his eyes and presses fingers against the control strapped to his arm. The air beside him flickers, then forms the hologram of Samantha. She looks suitably irritated at the interruption in her tank top and deliciously mussed hair. She looks at Mitchell for a moment, then turns to Baal.
“What have you been saying?”
He opens his eyes wide. “Nothing but the truth, my sweet,” he says and grins when she glares at him.
“I asked you one thing, Baal. Just one, and you couldn't even do that.”
“They accused me of harming you. I just begged to differ.”
“I'll harm you,” she mutters, then looks back to Mitchell. “Cam, it's true. We've taken out all the Priors. You need to move against Adria now, before she gathers more power.”
“What about you?” he asks her.
Baal returns her glance with a steady, enquiring gaze. Her lips press together and she sighs hard, looking down at the floor. He feels a small touch of guilt for pushing her into a decision, but it is mostly out of his hands.
“Right now, I can be of more help where I am,” she says, then sighs. “I'm okay, Cam. He's... we have an arrangement.”
Baal smirks at the look on Mitchell's face. “Yeah,” the man says in a disgusted tone. “So he said.”
“Cam,” she sighs. “Please don't.”
“Is it true? Did you... with him?”
To her credit, Samantha pulls up straight and gives Mitchell a glare worthy of a Queen. “We worked together to eliminate the Priors, if that's what you're referring to. That's all you need to be concerned about.”
The colonel opens his mouth, but Samantha is there first. “End of, Cam.” Her expression softens. “Leave it, please.”
“Sam...” He sighs. “Just be careful.”
“There is no need for care, Colonel Mitchell,” Baal says. “I swear I will not harm a single hair on her pretty head.”
“I don't promise any such thing,” Samantha retorts and glares at him. “I told you-”
“I know, but I couldn't help myself.” He shrugs and smirks. “Is it so bad that I'm proud of you?”
She blinks and her mouth works. An attractive flush pinks her cheeks. “I suppose not,” she says finally. “Though I wish that extended... well, to more than your questionable achievements.”
“It could have been worse,” he points out.
“Yeah. I got that.” She shakes her head. “Send me back - I have work to do that doesn't include offering you an alibi.”
He bows his head and touches the control again. She vanishes. Turning back to Mitchell, he says, “I hope you are satisfied, Colonel. Please be assured I am not the villain of this piece, nor are my intentions towards the very lovely Samantha anything more than a... an acquaintance.”
The colonel grimaces. “That's more what I'm afraid of. Not hurting her includes more than just physical harm, Baal. Just remember that. Break her heart and you'll get to eat yours.”
Baal starts to smirk, then pauses and considers the man. His expression is hard and determined, and he holds his weapon with practised nonchalance. Loyalty and protectiveness, and he tilts his head in acknowledgement.
“You have my word, Colonel Mitchell. As I suspect that is not enough, I can only reiterate - go to a Ori-controlled world. Please take the evidence that you will find there as collateral.”
Mitchell gazes at him for a moment, then hitches his shoulders. “Alright, Baal, I'll bite. Landry's gonna want to collaborate this story anyhow. If that pans out, then... well, I can't speak for him. And I ain't sure what keeping Sam away is gonna do.”
“It is her decision, Colonel. You heard her yourself.”
“Yeah. Well, like I said - I'm willing to trust her enough to check things out. You're not getting more than that.”
Baal sighs. “I saved the world and this is my reward? Why do you bother?”
He doesn't wait for an answer, just hits the recall on his control, materialising in the lab on his Al'kesh. Samantha glances up from her analysis of the Ancient drone and lifts her eyebrows.
“That not go as well as you expected?”
“It went as badly as I expected,” he replies wryly and moves over to her side. He scans her face and then brushes his knuckles over her hair. “I don't know how you put up with such constant negativity and suspicion.”
“It goes better when you've not been an enemy for several years.” She captures his hand and shoves it at him. “Stop that - I'm still annoyed with you.”
She glares. “I don't expect you came right out and told them we'd... been together, but I bet you inferred it heavily.”
“All I said was that you seemed to enjoy the pleasure of my company.” He shrugs. “And that I enjoyed yours.”
“Oh, and that's not at all obvious!” She throws her hands in the air and stalks around the table, putting some distance between them.
Baal pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fabulous,” he says irritably. “I save the world and you humans are still pissed off with me. I cannot win.”
Shaking his head in disgust, he heads for his quarters, ignoring Sam as she calls his name. He is damned if he does and damned if he does not and he is not best pleased.