The Font Question

May 14, 2005 22:47

We all wonder. We all ask it. And anyone who's ever made any graphic knows it.

"What font did you use?"

Well, here's the resource of the fonts we use. We cover pixel fonts, as well as non-pixel fonts, giving examples of where they've been used and easy links to download them.

If a link for a download doesn't work, let me know and I'll fix it.

I'll try to keep this updated as often as possible.

Icon Snagging Info: if you'd like to snag any of these, feel free. They are, for the most part, my icons, but this might change as this is updated more. If a different designer isn't noted, it's by me, enriana. Just remember to comment. :)

The Pixel Fonts
These are the fonts you'll use the most in icons. Note: they'll look odd unless you use them at their ideal size, which should be listed on the download page. Sometimes this varies between program and program, so you may need to fiddle around a bit until you find what works best. Make sure you do not have anti-alias checked or selected when using any of them.

BM Mini
Sevenet 7 (best at 6pt)

Non-Pixel Fonts
These are the fonts you'll use occasionally, usually only with one or two words in an icon (as shown below). Make sure you have anti-alias checked or selected when using them, or they'll look very jagged. They're used in all sizes, but usually between 16 and 36.

font used in "domination" is 28 Days Later. Download it here.

font used in "dreams" is Abaddon. Download it here.

font used in "insomnia" is Acidic. Download it here.

font used in "your eyes" is Adler. Download it here.

font used in "summer" is aka Frivolity. Download it here.

font used in the entire icon is Alanis Hand. Download it here.

font used in "Ariel" is Ambrosia. Download it here.

font used in "erasable" is Asman. Download it here.

font used in "flutterby" is Bangle. Download it here.

font used in "calligraphy" and "art" is Baroque Text JF. Download it here.

font used in "dream" is Bart. Download it here.

font used in "majestic" is Benighted. Download it here.

font used in "groovy" is Boingo. Download it here.

font used in "reach" and "grow" is Bunnigrrrl's Handwriting. Download it here.

font used in "seen" is CAC Champagne. Download it here.

font used in "mistakes" is CAC Leslie. Download it here.

font used in "time" is CAC Valiant. Download it here.

font used in "pirate's" is Caslon Antique. Download it here.

font used in "contemplating life" is Cheetah. Download it here.

font used in "antique" is Chelt Press. Download it here.

font used in the entire icon is Chiller. Download it here.

font used in the entire icon is Cyngnet Round. Download it here. made by jiatra

font used in "sing" is Dark Ages. Download it here.

font used in "dance" is Da Vinci Forward. Download it here.

font used in "hell" is Deadly English. Download it here.

font used in "skin" is Demon Night. Download it here.

font used in "bash your head in" is Die Die Die. Download it here.

font used in "season" is Eager Naturalist. Download it here.

font used in "girl" is Ecstatic. Download it here.

font used in "feathers" is Elegant. Download it here.

font used in "flowers" is Elisia. Download it here.

font used in "dream" is English. Download it here.

font used in "desire" is Enya. Download it here.

font used in the entire icon is Especial Kay. Download it here.

font used in "Aries" is Fat Finger. Download it here.

font used in "cloudy" is Fox Script. Download it here.

font used in "imprint" is Frazzle. Download it here.

font used in "fools" is Fruitopia. Download it here.

font used in "*boing*" is Girls Are Weird. Download it here.

font used in "depressed" is Goodbye Cruel World, download it here; font used in "trendy" is Dollhouse. Download it here.

font used in "gravity" is Gothika. Download it here.

font used in "distortions?" is Harting. Download it here.

font used in "nervous" is High Strung. Download it here.

font used in "unique" is Hipnotic. Download it here.

font used in "reach out" is HW Anglio DB. Download it here.

font used in the entire icon is Impact. Download it here. made by jiatra

font used in "domination" is Ingrid Darling. Download it here.

font used in "smiles" is Initial. Download it here.

font used in "relaxation" is Isabella. Download it here.

font used in "true" is Jayne Print. Download it here.

font used in "world" is Jeana. Download it here.

font used in "shine" is Jeffriana. Download it here.

font used in "smile!" is Jester. Download it here.

font used in "toward" is Jewel Hill. Download it here.

font used in "jump" is Jingopop. Download it here.

font used in "ping pong" is Jokerman. Download it here. made by wingedfigment

font used in "aglow" is Journal. Download it here.

font used in "change" is JSL Ancient. Download it here.

font used in "clouds" is Judy. Download it here.

font used in "puzzle" is Jungle Juice. Download it here.

font used in "sing" is Justen. Download it here.

font used in "stars" is Kaela. Download it here.

font used in "grace" is Kunstler Script. Download it here.

font used in "hope" is Lancastershire. Download it here.

font used in "beauty" is Lauren Script. Download it here.

font used in "each end" is Lilith. Download it here.

font used in "love" is Linda's Lament. Download it here.

font used in "freedom?" is Lou. Download it here.

font used in "glory" is Magic Cards. Download it here.

font used in "wander" is Mariah. Download it here.

font used in "life" is Marka. Download it here.

font used in "beautiful?" is Mary Monroe Script. Download it here.

font used in "bait" is Morphine Jack. Download it here.

font used in "belong" is Nine. Download it here.

font used in "ordinary" is Nite Club. Download it here.

font used in "trust" is Nuncio. Download it here.

font used in "sea" is Olivia Brush. Download it here.

font used in "joy" is Opera. Download it here.

font used in the entire icon is Papyrus. Download it here.

font used in "Ariel" is Parisian. Download it here.

font used in "wind" is Paulinho Pedra Azul. Download it here.

font used in "unsung" is Pavane. Download it here.

font used in "explodey!" is Philip Signature. Download it here.

font used in "pens" and "feathers" is Porcelain. Download it here. made by jiatra

font used in "wacky" is Psycho Poetry. Download it here.

font used in "b.y.o.s.*" is Ransom. Download it here. made by wingedfigment

font used in "bunnies" and "rainbows" is Refreshment Stand. Download it here.

font used in "coming" is Requiem. Download it here.

font used in "SMITE" is Ringbearer. Download it here.

font used in "under the sea" is Ryan BT. Download it here.

font used in "unseelie" is Scrawn. Download it here.

font used in "adoration" is Selfish. Download it here.

font used in "weak link" is SF Foxboro Script. Download it here.

font used in "mask" is Shimmer. Download it here.

font used in "just breathe" is Silent Hell of Cheryl. Download it here.

font used in "writer's block" is Spill Milk. Download it here.

font used in "soul" is Spring. Download it here.

font used in "prim and proper" is Stone Henge. Download it here.

font used in "heals" is Tape Loop. Download it here.

font used in "boobies!" is Treasure Map Deadhand. Download it here.

font used in "despair" is Twister. Download it here.

font used in "challenge" is Typewriter. Download it here.

font used in "sexy" is Valia. Download it here.

font used in "screams" is Valium. Download it here.

font used in "debaunchery" is Vein. Download it here.

font used in "express yourself" is Vespasiano. Download it here.

font used in "wolfling" is Whiffy. Download it here.

font used in "soar" is Xoxoxa. Download it here.

font used in "love" as well as the background is Zither Script. Download it here.

Last updated: Tuesday, May 31, 2005.


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