oicontest #5: purple!

Feb 19, 2006 00:42

Of course, you guys choose the ONLY colour of which I have only, like, 50 bases of. Which I'll post soon, promise.

You make an icon. It has to be purple. It doesn't have to be COMPLETELY purple, but it has to be noticeably purple.

You can make up to two. You do not have to make more than one.

Comment with your icon on this post. Please include the URL to your icon - makes it easier for us when it comes time for viewer's choice poll/awards/icon table, etc.

You can post icons UP UNTIL March 10th.

You can have text, you can not have text. You can animate it, you can have it be unanimated. It can feature non-purple things, as long as the focus is purple. You CANNOT colourize it. You can enhance the purple, make it lighter or darker, but thou shalt not create purple where no purple be-eth. Or... yeah.

That is all.

oicontests, contests

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