Title: Standing on Deserted Ground Fandom: Battlestar Galactica Genre: Uhmmm... Rating: K+/PG Characters/Pairings: Bill and Laura, Adama/Roslin Summary: Post "Six of One". A short piece in Bill's perspective. (*gasp
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Words were always the most intrusive of weapons, without barrier they intrude into the mind and stab the heart, leaving the victim stunned by invisible blows.
Loved that line, it almost hurts to read it. I also love post Six of One eps, and this is no exception. Thanks for posting!
*hugs* And I don't know, because watching or thinking about this episode just generally "hurts" for me. I remember the night I watched it and wandering back to my dorm room in a numb state of shock. I have issues/conflict withdrawal. :)
It's one of the reasons why I was surprised that I wrote this. ><" Apparently, I'm an impulsive writer.
I have to quote the same line larsfarm77 pulled. It's just so true and fitting for this post "Six of One" scene.
Words were always the most intrusive of weapons, without barrier they intrude into the mind and stab the heart, leaving the victim stunned by invisible blows.
I like how you use the pink blouse and her posture here:
Showing him a broad expanse of back before her shoulders slump, shattering the illusion, shrinking into an all too small frame. So this is how giants are created - pink fitted blouses and good posture.
She's not a giant--amazing way to show that.
The detail of him listening to her heals as she walks away is really nice.
That fight really hurt and I love the scene you've painted here of what happened afterward.
Thank you for reading! And that you caught that second line. I always sort of had that image stuck in my head...
Anyway, thank you for the comment! This episode had always been a difficult for me because it was like watching parents fighting... and it WAS very painful.
And it's okay. LOL! If I could edit my comments sometimes, I would. (^_^)"
Comments 4
Loved that line, it almost hurts to read it. I also love post Six of One eps, and this is no exception. Thanks for posting!
*hugs* And I don't know, because watching or thinking about this episode just generally "hurts" for me. I remember the night I watched it and wandering back to my dorm room in a numb state of shock. I have issues/conflict withdrawal. :)
It's one of the reasons why I was surprised that I wrote this. ><" Apparently, I'm an impulsive writer.
Words were always the most intrusive of weapons, without barrier they intrude into the mind and stab the heart, leaving the victim stunned by invisible blows.
I like how you use the pink blouse and her posture here:
Showing him a broad expanse of back before her shoulders slump, shattering the illusion, shrinking into an all too small frame. So this is how giants are created - pink fitted blouses and good posture.
She's not a giant--amazing way to show that.
The detail of him listening to her heals as she walks away is really nice.
That fight really hurt and I love the scene you've painted here of what happened afterward.
Sorry for the edits!
Anyway, thank you for the comment! This episode had always been a difficult for me because it was like watching parents fighting... and it WAS very painful.
And it's okay. LOL! If I could edit my comments sometimes, I would. (^_^)"
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