new vid - "Don't Forget Me"

Aug 14, 2011 04:43

Don't Forget Me
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Song/Artist: Don't Forget Me by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Duration: 4:15 minutes

Summary: "But she doesn’t love me." Riley as defined by Buffy.
Spoilers: Includes clips from s2 through to s6.

Premiered at vividcon 2011. Thanks to betas buffyann and bradcpu.

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btvs_DFM from Nicky on Vimeo.

I'm an ocean in your bedroom
Make you feel warm, make you wanna re-assume
Now we know it all for sure

I'm a dance hall, dirty breakbeat
Make the snow fall up from underneath your feet
Not alone, I'll be there, tell me when you want to go

I'm a meth lab first rehab
Take it all off and step inside the running cab
There's a love that knows the way

I'm the rainbow in your jail cell
All the memories of everything you've ever smelled
Not alone, I'll be there, tell me when you want to go

Sideways falling
More will be revealed my friend
Don't forget me, I can't hide it
Come again get me excited

I'm an inbred and a pothead
Two legs that you spread inside the tool shed
Now we know it all for sure

I could show you to the free field
Overcome and more will always be revealed
Not alone, I'll be there, tell me when you want to go

Don't forget me I can't hide it
There's a match now let me light it

I'm the bloodstain on your shirt sleeve
Coming down and more are coming to believe
Now we know it all for sure

Make the hair stand up on your arm
Teach you how to dance inside the funny farm
Not alone, I'll be there, tell me when you want to go

I'll be there and tell me when you want to go
Come on then and tell me when you want to go
More will be revealed my friend

My heart hurts when I think about Riley. He was so good for Buffy and it was hard to watch how much he was overlooked. Ergo vid.

One thing I really wanted to explore was this concept of baggage. How much of Angel she brought into the relationship, and how much that damaged them on both conscious and subconscious levels. I also wanted to allude to how much baggage from the Riley relationship she subsequently brought into the Spike "relationship", but that's a reading you could take or leave, I think.

Mostly I just wanted to present Riley as he appeared to me. How much he gave to her and gave up for her, how much more he was capable of giving, and how she threw all that away with both hands. It felt vindicating to put in the season 6 clips because Riley got the happy ending he deserved, even if it did come out of the blue. I don't hate Buffy, but it was important for me to leave her standing there, reflecting on what happened between them. I thought she owed him at least that.

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