Title: A Small Break from Routine
Pairing/characters: Dwight, Sasha
Word Count: 1,500
Rating: PG
Summary: Dwight has an unexpected interruption in his morning schedule.
Spoilers: None that I know of.
Author's Notes: My second entry into the Improv!fic, with elements suggested by
honey_wheeler (listed at the end of the story). Five elements, two hours, no beta
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Comments 44
Well, I looked at the elements, and red vines & a goldfish clearly indicated a kid of some sort, and Angela & medieval torture devices clearly indicated Dwight, and somehow the Time magazine thing got tied in with what we know of Dwight's before-hours routine from "The Return", so, yeah.
I'm delighted that you liked it, and even more so that you found it so funny! Yay, thank you!
Seriously! Especially if he has them with Angela! Oh, man, this bodes ill for humanity. One thing we know, though: those kids will enjoy beets.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Again, I'm glad you liked it! Thank you!
THIS! Dwight is pleased by the small girl's fierce attitude, although her artistic abilities still leave much to be desired.
I'm dying over how much that sounds like him. I am all kinds of happy right now after reading this. It's something that I never, ever imagined I'd ever read, because, Dwight and Sasha?
But it's so perfect. Amazing job!
I know!! I never even thought of such a thing before the elements seemed to indicate that they should both end up in the story, and then I thought about it and I was like, "DUDE." They're totally two great things that go great together! Dwight Schrute and Sasha Flenderson: THEY FIGHT CRIME!
I'm so glad to hear that I pulled it off, and, more, that you enjoyed it! Thanks!
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And yes, this is TOTALLY his idea of appropriate child care. In a way, it's not bad! He asks questions, he teaches, he feeds the kid. All the basics are covered!
Glad you enjoyed it!
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