Flashback Recap: The Man in the Fallout Shelter

Oct 26, 2009 23:30

So, after having the best weekend ever (post forthcoming), I had the idea to to Bones Flashback Recaps.  I'll be recapping an old episode on the weeks of the season that there isn't a new episode.  This week, I've chosen The Man in the Fallout Shelter.  It does not bring as much funny as usual, mostly because I become entirely diverted by how I ( Read more... )

bones, episode commentary, season 1, flashback recap

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Comments 21

sweet_seventeen October 27 2009, 05:00:42 UTC
Awww I loved this episode! And I love Goodman's voice too! Aside from his sincerity and niceness, I think his soothing voice is what I miss most about him, hahaha.


mnemonicer October 27 2009, 06:04:14 UTC
Hodgins wasn't really hot for me until he cut his hair. Then it was like "OH! HELLO." I was completely blindsided.

That's my favorite season one episode. I really liked Bones in that episode just calling and calling and staying up all night to find the right person to give them closure. She was so awkward and hard to relate to back then, but moments like that showed why she was worth the effort. Because, underneath, she cared so damned much.

Yes, the Zach thing was/is inexcusable. I think Zach was a casualty of rushed work as a result of the writer's strike. There's really no other explanation for such drek if you ask me.

As for the bluebooking, yes, that's quite impressive. I can get onboard that standardization.



0penhearts October 27 2009, 08:28:32 UTC
1. I was really loving the brief return of the combover early this season. It adds kind of a saucy, buttoned-down edge; so prim and proper.

4. This is one of those times when I almost totally ship Booth/Angela and want to write pre-series fic about them all night long.

5. Agreed. It just . . . *sigh*

6. OH EM GEE. Hodgins is compact, yet burly.

7. AGREED. And I absolutely love that it's been a consistent plotline for him throughout the show, from reactions to medication, to the hockey thing, all the way through CitC and EitB. I don't think they could have written it more naturally or consistently without over doing it if they tried.

12. I think I just yelled "CROTCH" and rewound alot. Good times.

14. I know! Use the set, people! Logistics be damned!

15. *happy sigh*

20. Yeah they've never really explained WHY Rebecca is so stingy with Parker. Kinda makes her look like an idiot/control freak, because good GOD, how do you get a better babydaddy than freaking BOOTH, LADY? HUH? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU ( ... )


a_mistletoe October 27 2009, 11:41:52 UTC
I just wanted to use this icon. Hehehe
5. WORD. The worst bit of continuity in the history of continuity. That writers strike nearly scuppered the whole show. In fact it took most of Season 4 to get back on track.

Something you didn't mention was how annoyed Booth got that they were stuck there on the say-so of an administrator dressed as Santa (though he looked quite Grinch like with his beard pulled down.)

I also enjoyed Hodgins in his antlers.

28. Heartless.

Can someone write fic about how Booth got Angela's elf hat?

This kind of trumps my Bicker and Banter re-watch but I shall eventually continue anyway. *harumphs*


a_mistletoe October 27 2009, 12:23:31 UTC
12 I have pic
16. I have this:

... )


0penhearts October 27 2009, 19:12:07 UTC
That's definitely and eagle. On another note, why are his pants so short?!


a_mistletoe October 27 2009, 20:44:53 UTC
I imagine so he can flash show off his socks.


historynut October 27 2009, 21:50:21 UTC
And real shoes! Ugh I hate his new ... uh slippers look. Not with a suit anyway. I know. I know. Call me a dinosaur... :)


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