He can't wait to have one more favorite picture

Oct 06, 2014 01:02

Title: He can't wait to have one more favorite picture
Rating: PG
Genre: fluff, kitty!au
Pairing: Tao/Sehun
Words: 766
Summary: Tao and Sehun get their little baby kitten.
A/N: Once again, because I said I didn't know what to do, theayakochan was once again helpful, except she suggested one thing, while my mind thought of another. This one. Whoops. Taohun, Read more... )

drabble hahaha :|, au: kitty, pairing: taohun

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Comments 6

theayakochan October 5 2014, 23:37:15 UTC
fuck u
go away
two Taohuns in one night
Two cuddly cute Taohuns with little kitten
Two domestic children cute fluffy adorable perfect Taohuns IN ONE NIGHT
you want to kill me don't you
I won't quote because I would have to copy-paste the whole fic
Fuck u


obludnica October 5 2014, 23:42:55 UTC
does it mean i was more worried how this one turned out that i should've?
(to those 'fuck u's i'm pretty tempted to reply with something like 'love u~', because cheeky, except awkward, except me, except nope, um, wut, hahaha, nope, nah)


theayakochan October 6 2014, 21:12:05 UTC
to those 'fuck u's i'm pretty tempted to reply with something like 'love u~'

You should've, I know you do anyway

... )


obludnica October 7 2014, 18:45:16 UTC
you know nothing, love. nope. no. nope. :|


snow_meow October 6 2014, 13:41:48 UTC
Such a sweet family


obludnica October 6 2014, 14:07:22 UTC
'cause taohun, so duh, of course they're sweet ^_^


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