Jan 02, 2008 21:14
...and, enter her. jULE5. The girl that stands between me and the inevitable cataclysm affectionately entitled, "My Disaster."
What if within one night you were shown everything you had ever wanted, and given a chance to live it just for one night, would it be a blessing? Or a curse? Would the memory of a perfect utopia inspire you do all in your power to achieve some semblance of that reality? Or would it forever haunt you, leaving you with that obsessing sensation of knowing that your dreams exist only beyond your fingertips?
I met a girl*, and as such had an opportunity to live out everything I had ever wanted. My fantasy, hopes, dreams, and aspirations were laid out collectively on a platter and given to me for the few short hours that encompass New Year's Eve. For once, the world was enough, for once, I had found what I was looking for within her arms and the splendid candor of alcohol that brought the illusion of perfection, of love, of genuine caring. The next morning it was abruptly taken away as the cold hard bell of reality began to toll, leaving me with that bitter disdain of coming that close to my dreams and having them fade off into the distance.
The phone didn’t ring, the text messages went unanswered, and the inauspicious clock that adorned the outside of the phone spoke louder than any ringtone ever could.
It's strange how images from reality coincide with your dreams, how that picturesque vision of fantasy commingles with reality to bring you all that you never thought was possible. The entire night seemed so magical, as if I had immediately transcended my lackluster reality to stumble upon something fantastic, something far beyond the confounds of my imagination. I remember sitting at the bar with her and her friends as we laughed and carried on hysterically; the camaraderie that I never felt before was now right before me within the group of strangers that I desperately wanted to call my own. Images of her friends were so familiar, I asked her who they were and where they had gone to school as I felt as if I had at one point known them all….once upon a dream. I wanted to thank her for it all, for inviting me out, I wanted to tell her that all that I had lost was found within her and her friends and that if I could just pull off this relationship everything for the past x years wouldn't have been for not. It would have all been worth it just to have her in my arms...
*Strangely enough, the phrase “I met a girl” doesn’t seem to say enough. “I met a beautifully intelligent classy girl” still doesn’t speak volumes to it either, as nothing can really define that connection that you develop with someone.
beautiful women