How it started
In January I discovered the Fringe RPG,
When Worlds Collide. I read through the rules and other information, I began an OC character app... And then I stalled. I returned to the site and my character app a few times yet I couldn't feel that connection that meant I'd found my niche. I knew I wanted to participate more in Fringe fandom, as I'd recently become addicted, but this particular RPG just wasn't working for me to be one of the characters.
So I sought out information on how to make my own RPG. I hesitantly poked through various websites and was thrilled to find on InsaneJournal the amazing
rp_tutorials which taught me the lingo, the formats, and so much more. Bolstered by this, I pressed on and posted an inquiry about interest to
fringe_tv. Although I initially only had one reply, the second person to respond was Jenn, the WWC mod. With her excitement, encouragement, and advice I began setting up a trial journal.
Behind the scenes there's been more activity than I could explain, but suffice to say that while I may be the initiator of Obλigatιon, this project could never get off the ground without an amazing group of supporters.
- Scifiroots
Your staff
enmuse, a.k.a. Scifiroots: Fringe addict. Fairly new to RP'ing, I'm eager to get going and glad to have the support of fellow Fringe fans.
ruzila _slytherin_girl Gratitude
Endless thanks goes to
ThreeWoes of deviantArt for the gorgeous "movie poster," banners, and advert images. The day after I decided to make this RPG, I asked if he was willing to do some art, that he said yes made me all the more motivated to take on this project.
To Jenn of the Fringe RPG
When Worlds Collide, I cannot thank you enough for your overwhelming support and excitement. I'm so pleased to have a fellow RP mod excited to see another storyline come up. Thank you for your advice, your encouragement, and your participation.
Hidama, you inspire me with so many of my creations. Thank you for helping me sort out the name for this thing and always offering your support and kindness.
phiremangston, although you're busy with school and job searching, thanks for looking over various forms and answering my questions. I'm still hoping to rope you into playing. ;)