GSoC 2022

Apr 05, 2022 09:29

I didn't informed by postgres community that I (as all russians) was removed from the list of GSoC mentors and very dissapointed of that. I was Google mentor in the very first year (2006) of GSoC and that time I cannot imagine I will be "sanctioned" by Google. In the early time of open source we believed, that we are building a new model of ( Read more... )

opensource, jsonb, pg, gsoc, hmm

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Comments 2

votez April 5 2022, 13:14:25 UTC
I recall students were getting some financial support from participation in GSoC so Google cannot do that to Russians legally. This could be an official (!) excuse.


obartunov April 5 2022, 13:24:46 UTC
Yes, I think so, that's the way how 'politics and government' touched the community. To be independent we need our own Postgres Summer of Code. This year we will support our students ourselves.


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