I posted this as a comment to an earlier post, but after reviewing it, I thought it warranted it's own.......
At least when speaking with the typical "low information" voter, appealing to the wallet seems to be the key. I have met people in recent days when I've been out and about, at the local neighborhood pub for instance, and the one thing people who are "pro-McCain" say to me is that they think Obama will raise their taxes. I immediately say, "Do you make more than $250,000 a year?" (knowing perfectly well they likely don't) When they say "no" I then say, "Well then vote for Obama, and your taxes are going to go down and not up."
There is a wonderful graphic chart from the Washington Post that does an excellent job of illustrating how much someone's taxes will go up or down, based on your salary. It is not until you reach the threshold of over $111K that the McCain plan actually has a bigger tax decrease than the Obama plan. That McCain tax decrease gets progressively greater at $160K, $226K, $603K, and $2.87 million.
I'm going to staple a copy of this to my forehead keep a copy of this chart in my purse until election day. It's pretty clear who has the most to gain from a McCain "tax cut", and it's not going to be the average person you meet on the street, that's for sure!
Once you've answered that question for someone, especially if they have previously thought that their taxes *would* be raised under Obama. I think it tends to start to unravel the rest of the lies they've absorbed too unwittingly in recent weeks and months. I think it makes them start to question and (god forbid) think for themselves! *gasp*