And thought it needed to be shared here, because I haven't seen it here yet. I've been warming to Biden since the announcement, but after this? I think I really like our veep-to-be. >.>
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Gawd, I need to make some Obama/Biden icons. *gets to work*
Comments 6
I think he asks a very significant and simple question that I think both sides need to think about, "Then what?"
While I agree with the point he makes about after the surge, then what? (it always seemed to me like the troop surge was no more than plugging fingers into a leaking damn. You're gonna have to take your fingers out sometime and you can't live with your fingers stuck in a damn and we can't live with 160,000 troops in Iraq indefinitely), he is railing awful hard here against a military tactic which despite his insistence that it was a terrible idea, ended up doing some good. In the past year, U.S. and Iraqi deaths have been significantly less than half of what they have been in the years prior ( ... )
I'm curious to know what Obama's opinion is of the Biden-Gelb plan and what Biden's opinion is of Obama's plan.
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