Tastes Like Green by
Guardian1 The unbearable Yuffie-ness of being. Vincent Valentine is a sucky guy to feel some portion of mild affection for.
Rec!view: This fic could so ea-freaking-sily be angsty hurt/comfort, but instead it's witty and heartfelt -Yuffie’s so scattershot this never has time to turn mawkish, and even the bits you’d expect to be mushy keep the syrup in its tin. This fic’s ‘WOE!’ is more like ‘WHOA!’ which is exactly as it should be when it comes to Yuffie. The ending may not be totally satisfying after the rest of the fic’s set-up, but after thinking about it for a while I realised that’s kind of the point. Yuffie doesn’t play life with a rulebook, or if she does it’s only so she can throw it at the heads of other players. The ending, considering who these characters are, is one of the most realistic I’ve ever come across and perfect for the story that’s being told. Plus the dialogue zings so much it’s like being surrounded by an orchestra of saw-players with violin bows.
When she is still sixteen, they abruptly find themselves in the same bar; surprisingly enough, he is not occupying the dark mysterious corner and drinking a dark mysterious cocktail, but being cheap and getting water from the barman right there at the front. It is a terrible thing to be wearing a depressing red cape and ordering water right there at the front where anyone can see you; so she slams her hand helpfully down on the bar until his glass rattles. "Barman! One vodka for me and one Traffic Light for my youthful companion!"
The barman gives her an up-and-down look, which is mad unfair. "ID?"
So she forks one (of many) out of her wallet and shows it to him, which he squints at, which is even more mad unfair. "Cooper Trelisse? And you're thirty-nine?"
She breaks out in a sweat. That is the problem of having sixty-three fake IDs. "I moisturise? I moisturise a lot. I eat healthy. I never smoke - "
"She's with me," Vincent Valentine finally says, though he more looks like he would like her to be, say, in outer space.