
Jun 18, 2011 18:28


[With Jet gone and a new (for lack of better word) Sokka, the Jasmine Dragon has been a little understaffed. Iroh beams pleasantly at the camera, but it's clear he's a little frazzled.]

Isn't it nice to have so many visitors! I love seeing all these new faces. I hope I can see some familiar ones as well. [Penny. Lulu Bell. Jet.]I hope you ( Read more... )

*penny, *rarity, *hazama, fourth wall, *brittany, *lulu bell

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[action] fabularity June 19 2011, 00:42:49 UTC
[Is this a pony walking inside in the teashop? Why yes, it is!]


[action] fabularity June 19 2011, 14:51:38 UTC
[Excuse Rarity as she gives a small leap backwards, taken aback by the firebending.]

Goodness, is that magic you're using? But I don't see a horn coming out of your-- [Pause. And a frown.] --your balding mane. My kind sir, you should positively do something about that!


[action] o_tea_p June 19 2011, 18:59:19 UTC
[Iroh rubs the top of his head self-consciously.]

I thought it made me look distinguished.


[action] fabularity June 20 2011, 00:50:24 UTC
It would have-- one or two centuries ago! [Have a unicorn walking in circles around you, Iroh. And inspecting you veeeeery closely.] And your choice of outfit-- oh, I certainly cannot say I approve of it!


[action] flutters_shyly June 20 2011, 19:11:55 UTC
[Enter a pegasus.]

Rarity! I didn't think anypony else was here and I was so--

[She stops in her tracks when she sees Iroh, who is so tall and so wide and so frightening.]



[action] o_tea_p June 21 2011, 01:30:47 UTC
[Iroh looks down at his uniform.]

This was all the rage in Ba Sing Se!

[He peers over at Fluttershy.]

Another one! Hello, miss. No need to be afraid. I don't bite.


[action] fabularity June 21 2011, 02:30:57 UTC
Ba Sing what? That is no fashion capital, I'll tell you that, my good sir.

[And then she proceeds to move closer to Fluttershy.] Fluttershy, darling! How marvelous it is to see a friendly face!


[action] flutters_shyly June 21 2011, 02:40:46 UTC
[She'll just... go over there next to Rarity. Just in case she needs someone to hide behind.]

Only things that bite say that! Eep!


[action] o_tea_p June 22 2011, 00:00:58 UTC
Well what would you recommend?

[He tries to get a better look at Fluttershy.]

Somebody's a little shy.


[action] fabularity June 23 2011, 15:20:32 UTC
[Rarity gives a small shake of her mane at her pony friend.]

Fluttershy, the only frightening trait about this-- this human creature is his sense of style, or lack thereof one. But worry not, nothing is too great of a fashion challenge for Rarity!

[She then looks back up at Iroh, eyes squinting in thought.] Hmm. First and foremost, we must do something about that bald. May I suggest a hat-- a fedora, perhaps?


[action] flutters_shyly June 24 2011, 02:21:18 UTC
[Well. If Rarity says so...]

I like his mane.


[action] o_tea_p June 25 2011, 04:17:38 UTC
A fedora? [Iroh doesn't know what that looks like, but he's not sure he's interested.

He smiles gratefully at Fluttershy.]

Thank you, Fluttershy. May I get you a cup of tea?


[action] fabularity June 25 2011, 19:30:09 UTC
Fluttershy, darling, while I do appreciate your knowledge on sewing, I can't say I agree with your sense of style. [Another shake of her mane later, she addresses Iroh.]

Yes, a fedora and a suit would look most dashing on you-- and perhaps a top hat, for a more glamorous occasion!


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