"Out of the Mouths of Babes" -- Arc 1, Story 2/2

Jul 17, 2006 23:41

“Kyou-chan… I think that you want to love her. Maybe even more than the rest of us do, but you’re better at pulling away from her. Don’t you think that’s selfish, ne?”

Kyouya’s temper gave out and he stood up and paced furiously over to the dark mahogany table. Turning away from Hunny, he balled his hands into fists with deliberate slowness over ( Read more... )

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Comments 34

sleepy_darling July 19 2006, 07:29:41 UTC
Oh wow. This is so incredibly well written! I was kinda iffy on how you portrayed Hunny. He was a bit more mature, no? But I liked it! And I liked how you explained everything afterwords. Helped me not be confused :]


o_ren_ishii July 19 2006, 12:55:43 UTC
Hee, I love your icon. I think that the "You should take a bath with Mommy" storyline was pure comedy gold ( ... )


sleepy_darling July 21 2006, 07:29:42 UTC
mmhm, true. I want the host club to grow up too. I love them being adorable and all, but I'd think it would get old after a while. And you're right. If Hunny talked babyishly to Kyouya, he certainly wouldn't get anywhere (though I'm sure his judo skills would help to some extent!). No problem about reading. It was my pleasure :]


serendipity_15 July 19 2006, 17:35:20 UTC
Oh, I like this. I actually like this more mature Honey. I mean, Honey is the top of his class and I'm sure that there is more to him than this cute exterior (I'm basing this from what I've seen of the anime and the first volume of the manga so I'm not entirely sure how accurate my assumption is). Personally, I think that Honey is quite observant because they can get close to so many people since it seems like many people forget that he is acutally a senior in high school so people sort of let their guard down more with him since they probably see him as more of a kid than their equal (age wise).

The chess game is such a neat idea and if I was actually any good at chess then I would probably understand the moves more.

I personally find Kyoya/Haruhi to be quite intriguing because they seem to be well suited for each other and honestly, I think that both of them enjoy challenges.

Update soon, I want to read more.


o_ren_ishii July 19 2006, 18:16:43 UTC
You know, I really adore the K/H dynamic because it has a more complex aspect to it. They're both rather impervious to the normal, "hearts and rabu-rabu" approach to love, which is admittedly refreshing in a shoujo show. (Though Haruhi is getting a little more girly as she goes -- we'll see what happens.) They're both very intelligent and goal-oriented: he wants to be the CEO and she wants to be a lawyer, and I don't think anything is going to stop them.

He tends to set her aback, and she tends to enchant everyone but him -- there's something very interesting about that relationship, I think.

Like she said about him at Karuizawa: "In a way, this person is the most refreshing of all."


lunnera July 27 2006, 17:33:17 UTC
Very interesting story. I will definitely look forward to the next installment.


o_ren_ishii August 17 2006, 21:07:27 UTC
Sorry for the delayed reply -- but the next chapter is half-done, and moving steadily.

I do adore your Strongbad icon. It succinctly expresses my style of drinking, right down to the "Oooh! I'm pleasant." It just needs a roaring fire and a volume of Eliot's poetry.


daeiell July 29 2006, 01:55:10 UTC
You know i was running out of fics and i found yours. All i want to say is: Brilliant! from the good management of the character-driven story to the notes, specially the notes. Since i'm not native speaker some stuff like sayings i know then in my languaje -Spanish- , but not in english.(Actually one of my favorites sayings in Spanish is the one you use)
And i really apreciate those references. I like specially the one of the three highs and the three c's. But let alone that you're story is great. I love this pairing and your fic have very IC characters


cerhiby July 30 2006, 16:25:09 UTC
hmm.. i love how this ends up intellectually romantic ;D. i love seeing hunny acting out his age with his cuteness and letting out his physical prowess to kyouya. (and seeing him defeated, defenseless and vulnerable *___*)

he was somewhat seized by the whimsical romantic impulse of meeting her white pawn face-to-face...

...noting with intense satisfaction at the small white pawn that was moving towards the heart of "enemy territory."

that made me giggle a lot alright! that made him look like a hopeless romantic! xD i love this ficcie! hehe ;D


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