First I showed you the graphics that aren't my favorites. Here are the ones that are! Some of the full-size are big enough to be wallpaper, so feel free to snag if you want! (Let me know so I can bask in the pleasure that someone else likes it enough to add as a wallpaper? :D) I don't really do icons, but if you want to make some and even post them, go ahead! Just remember to give me a heads up about it, first, so I can link to the icons. :)
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Full Size I called each image "Primary Colors". The first one has more of a blend of the primary colors, but the second one is closer to the original picture (in which Merlin's scarf isn't red, and the flame is all yellow).
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Full Size Both of these have to do with Merlin's scarf. Because who doesn't love Merlin's scarf?
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Full Size Pretty girls are pretty! :D
Full Size Mostly I just like this one because of the way it focuses on the boys without necessarily getting rid of the background. This was done in like 5 min, though, so not top-notch quality.
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Full Size Pendragons and their red. :P I'm more fond of the Arthur one, here, because it's Arthur, and a little more bright than the Uther one. I considered trying to make a version of Uther's one with a much brighter cloak, but compared to the drab contrast of the rest of the picture, grayscale or not, it wouldn't have really worked out all that well.
Full Size Colin in the movie Parked. Good god I wanna watch that movie. If only for the angst. :P Not so sure about the effects of the blood in this one, though I really do like how the hoodie came out.
Full Size Just a cute one of Colin and Bradley on set on a rainy day. I may recolor the umbrellas to a deeper red and blue one day, but for now, as a play off the original picture, I like it. ^_^