[DC15] Absolute Imperfections

Dec 15, 2011 22:03

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Haewook
Genre: AU!Romance
Theme: Creases, Phrase to include: "that's it"
Summary: He is able to offer the world with one flick of the finger, appreciating quality and hard work. Truth remained, he never wanted the world, only him.


Ryeowook held the tape measure between his lips, eyes careful of the design and length of fabric needed. Hand sowed until outfit finally formed exactly as requested. He sighed once he stepped back and admired his finally finished work. He then walked from the back and to the front of the shop where Henry nodded in approval.

"I'll call Shindong to deliver-"

"I'll go deliver it myself." Ryeowook said firmly.

Henry pretended to feign ignorance. "Sure you will. Just like you always do." He said in sing-song, Ryeowook ignored him and went out the doors.

He entered the top floor of the building, recognizing the frenzy of men and women running in constant circles. All to please one man.

On cue, one of the elevator doors opened and revealed a man in sunglasses in flawless attire. He stepped from with a horde of people surrounding him.

"That's it? Must you people disappoint me every time? Our company's motto is 'Perfection is absolute,' yet you fail to give me as such." His gaze then rested on the tailor who stood idly by. "Ryeowook-shii." He greeted kindly, taking off his sunglasses. "Come in."

The tailor stepped into the office, designed by expensive brands, not one item out of place. Donghae took perfection as a way of life.

Donghae lowered his drink from the single sip he took, visibly cringing at the coffee's taste. He then examined the outfit Ryeowook hung up by the corner of the room, and smiled.

"You're the only one who brings me quality work." Donghae praised. "If only half my staff was as efficient as you are."

"Thank you sir." Ryeowook said with a low bow.

Donghae cringed at his formality. "You'd think with such simple work, that many people would be able to do it. But I've gone through countless tailors and none of them give me a peace of mind." He sighed. "The problem with my disorder is that it takes over my life. You think it's pointless as well, don't you?"

"It's not wrong for a man to have expectations."

"You don't have to lie, you've earned the right to criticize how I work."

Ryeowook noticed a slight crease in Donghae's tie, and stepped forward and adjusted it until it straightened.

"I've given you the same right, and so far I haven't heard of one yet. I'd be tipping the balance."

Donghae chuckled as Ryeowook lowered his hands. With a final greeting and thank you, Ryeowook stepped out of the office and nearly swooned on the spot.

"Can I have him?" He murmured exasperatedly.

"You can have him!" The secretary who overheard yelled, startling the tailor.


He studied the next batch of orders when Henry stepped in with a scowl. "Your brother's on line 2." Henry said distastefully.

Ryeowook reached for the phone, listening to his brother's gargled rants. "Yes... I'll give it to you soon, just hold on... I'll find the money soon, don't worry. Bye."

Henry narrowed his eyes all the while. "That guy needs to stop gambling his life away."

"It's what he does."

"He's draining every last cent out of you." Henry said lowly, unforgiving as Ryeowook was. "He may be your brother, but any more of this, and you'll be in trouble next."


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Donghae remained silent as he looked at the clothing hung on the other side, Ryeowook clutched his tired face. "I should have known things were wrong when you didn't come to deliver it."

Ryeowook winced, closing his eyes at the mistakes he made. He repeatedly apologized with blatant sincerity.

Things were getting out of hand the moment he let his personal life affect his work.

Donghae stepped towards him, peering at his expression, able to see the dark circles. "Is the shop understaffed?"

"No, it's not the shop's fault at all. It's just personal matters." He then clasped his hands together. "Please don't close the account, I promise it'll never happen again."

He stared at him for a moment longer when he walked to his desk and made a quick phone call. Ryeowook had assumed the worst.

Donghae then turned around. "I made a reservation for a hotel room nearby, they'll be expecting you there, for however long as you need it."

Ryeowook parted his lips to reject but Donghae interrupted him. "I ensure quality, meaning I have to care for the people. If I force pressure onto it, it will only give me rushed and mediocre products."

But it also meant Ryeowook had to be willing to accept help when given, the younger man though took it as criticism.

"None of which is your fault." Donghae added.

Ryeowook wasn't sure to think of that. Donghae was never like this with his other employees, and it only made him feel worse.

He reluctantly took him up on his offer, deciding that being away from home would be the best thing right now. His worried expression visibly showed, the younger man felt a comforting hand on his shoulder.

If circumstances hadn't changed for the worst, then he might have thought more of that scene between them.

He was distracted by the eviction notice on his front door, bulging lock on the handle, their things already thrown on the street. His brother long gone with whatever valuables they had.

He had no home, and was left to pick up whatever he could.

He returned to work, awkwardly pretending he couldn't hear the talk of his situation. Henry had often spared concern his way, but his hands tied from a congested apartment from his own family.

Ryeowook chose to ignore the issue, immersing himself into his work and checked to ensure there were no mistakes. And once he personally delivered it, he carefully watched as Donghae inspected it.

"You've done excellent, as expected." Donghae complimented in relief. Ryeowook beamed, temporarily relishing in the praise when he aimed to take his leave.

"Ah, you're not done here."

Ryeowook was puzzled when Donghae dropped a set of keys into his hand. "Sir?"

"Donghae." Donghae corrected. "I heard of your situation. It seems a couple of your co-workers enjoy gossiping more than offering you a place to stay. The debts your brother added was astronomical, all in your own name too."

Ryeowook stiffened, Donghae then pressed the intercom button.

"Yes sir?" The voice spoke.

"Find out Kim Ryeowook-shii's salary, and then double it."

"W-wait." Ryeowook interjected.

"Is that enough? Maybe triple then."

"My services aren't worthy of that type of pay."

"Nonsense." Donghae countered. "Haven't you ever heard good things come to people who wait? You've been patient enough for a good life."


"The expenses will be taken care of by me, the house is yours."


"The debt will be cleared, but it won't come out of this year's salary-"

"DONGHAE." Ryeowook bellowed.

Donghae seemed amused by his frustration and explained. "Think of me as your personal wish maker, and I do have the ability to make every one of them come true."

"But... I don't want any of it, sir."

"Then what do you want?"

You. Ryeowook thought, instead he replied. "I'm content as I am sir."

"Stop calling me that, and no, you are not. Let me do what I do best. Besides," He gave a small smile as he tapped his cheek. "I would have grabbed you for myself a long while ago but was unsure how to go about it. I never thought an opportunity would present itself like this."

"...Thank you." He shyly added to Donghae's delight.

It was Donghae's own doing that reigned him, becoming his own personal tailor for whatever he needed, whenever. Ryeowook didn't see why anyone would do so, but was grateful to him nevertheless.

But over the years he had grown selfish. Every time he found his heart react from a simple glance or exchange between them. The man who protected him when possible, taking care of his every need, shifting from colleagues to friends. It was more than he could have ever wanted.

If only Donghae could truly grant every desire, every want, including the one embedded within him.


Donghae snowboarded with ease, pulling to a stop before Ryeowook who walked towards him at the bottom of the mountain. Donghae grinned as he lifted up his goggles. "You still won't join me?"

"I'm not that tempted to kill myself." Ryeowook countered, earning a laugh.

"Some risks are worth taking." Donghae uttered, lifting the board as they trudged through the thick snow.

The winter lodge was a retreat the man often went to almost every year, Ryeowook became one of his constant companions although he held no vital role for his work, simply acting as a friend.

"Seduce him."

Ryeowook choked on his drink. "Are you alright?" Donghae asked in concern.

Ryeowook nodded feebly, trying to ignore Henry's blatant advice when he heard of the trip a week before.

"You've liked him for this long, it wouldn't hurt to try."

Ryeowook couldn't really respond, because despite the years, he still couldn't work up the courage to even call him by name, much less confess. Seduction, he figured, wouldn't come by any easier.

Donghae was never the playboy type, there had almost no news of a boyfriend or hint of a lover, leaving Ryeowook to only guess what his type could be.

"Do you like someone?"

Ryeowook lifted his gaze, the question directed towards him by another companion who sat with them in the lodge. "Um..."

"Don't interrogate him, Zhou Mi." Donghae warned.

Zhou Mi smiled. "Can I help it? I enjoy matchmaking, and I know someone in accounting who's had his eye on him for almost a year. I'd like to know whether it's worth pursuing."

Ryeowook politely evaded the question as he left the two. Zhou Mi kept quiet when Donghae faced him, having lost his smile.

"You didn't tell me I couldn't ask."

"Isn't it obvious that you shouldn't?" Donghae countered. Zhou Mi merely shrugged, showing no sign of being intimidated by the other.


Ryeowook went down each step when he stopped midway, recognizing Donghae outside in the frigid weather, talking to a stranger. The discussion had gone heated, his expression serious when he abruptly left the stranger behind.

Inside, Donghae looked up and noticed Ryeowook in the middle of the stairs.

The lights were off inside the room that peered over the snow covered forests. Donghae stared with lowered eyes when he felt something warm by his cheek, he looked up at Ryeowook's kind smile and reached for the cup.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Ryeowook asked after a short silence. "I promise, lips sealed."

Donghae chuckled quietly, leaning back against the couch, Ryeowook remained standing. "He's an ex. I haven't seen him in almost eight years."

Ryeowook tightened his grip on the cup, it went unnoticed. Donghae continued, "I promised him the world, and he took it. It was after when I realized that was all he wanted." He exhaled. "Even now, that's all he really wants."

The harsh winds outside had altered Donghae's appearance, Ryeowook knew he must have been upset considering his disarrayed state. He stepped forward, hand fixing his hair until it looked proper, then carefully flattening the creases of his shirt.

"You're different from the others." Donghae observed, Ryeowook lowered his hands.

"N-not really."

"Don't deny the truth when it's in front of me." Donghae uttered. Ryeowook nodded meekly when Donghae sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take it out on you." He then stood up, "Thank you for listening."

The man stepped out of the room, leaving the tailor to his own thoughts.

He did have another love, a first love. Ryeowook fidgeted with his shirt. And from the looks of it, Ryeowook was nothing like him, that much he could tell.

He can't just ask and have something, that wasn't how the world worked. Even if Donghae had faced a greedy love, he may have lingering feels left behind.


Ryeowook clutched the metal bar of the chairlift, terrified out of his mind.

"Jump!" Donghae called out, Ryeowook wanted to yell back a terrified no, but his voice left with his nerves.

Donghae caught him and grinned, "I caught you."

The tailor unconsciously fixed his creased jacket caused from the impact. When he realized what he was doing, he withdrew his hand and realized Donghae was watching him intently.

They stood on top of the slopes. Donghae sighed, looking at the distance below them. "He had the nerve to ask me for more money."

Ryeowook remained stolid, unsure of how to react. He found himself asking, "Do you still like him?"

"None whatsoever." Donghae stated honestly. "But it still hurts that a once serious relationship was nothing more than greed. There's no good memories to fall back on... I don't like to think I wasted periods of my life."

"You haven't, they're valuable life lessons. If we all had regrets, it'd be useless to learn anything, wouldn't it?"

"Then do you have regrets?" Donghae countered.

"Yes, but don't we all?" Before waiting for an answer, he took down the slopes on his skis, escaping before he said another word.

The tailor crossed his arms as stood in the lodge's main room hours after, when he felt a warm cup by his cheek. He looked up at Donghae's softened expression, the corners of his lips shifted upward.

They overlooked the mountains on the other side, standing close by one another in the secluded area of the lodge where no one had been to. An odd thing Ryeowook had noticed, considering it was usually full.

He tried to focus on the scenery, but the soft light outlining Donghae was enticing his attention away, illuminating his dark eyes.

"It's almost perfect. If only the sky wasn't so cloudy, then it'd almost be considered romantic."

"You must be disappointed then, to be spending it with me." Ryeowook joked half-heartedly. He felt their shoulders brush against one another.

"Not at all." Donghae admitted sincerely as he tilted the cup to his lips.

His hand stopped when he felt a pair of lips briefly kiss him on the cheek. Too quickly before he could react, when the man had long bolted from the scene.

Donghae could only turn around at the door that came to a close, Ryeowook long out of sight.

Donghae roamed through the corridors, searching when he noticed the tall man who sneered at his action.

"One always says to judge a man by how he treats his equals. In reality, you treat those beneath you better than us." Zhou Mi tilted his head. "I wonder why that is."

Zhou Mi glanced at the sign in front of the main room, that read 'Reserved.' "Someone like him who's reluctant to accept help, who's too insecure to realize your special treatment of him, who simply won't understand your unsubtle hints and misinterpret everything you've done as mere charity. I've told you again and again, if you want him." He straightened up. "Then tell him."

Donghae remained quiet and went about his way, the phrase in his thoughts as he walked away, disappointed for the night.


It was a regret to never admit his feelings, but a regret as well to having displayed affection at all. He wasn't sure which side he preferred.

He sat on the chairlift, intending to clear his head once he reached the very top. He felt the second man sit beside him and glanced at him, only to do a double-take and realize who it was.

Donghae tilted his head, adjusting his goggles. "Why are you avoiding me?"

Ryeowook felt the words caught in his throat. "I was... I didn't..."

Donghae studied him intensely, a familiar look that meant he was deciphering his true motives, often unsaid. And it seemed before Ryeowook could say a coherent phrase, Donghae nodded. And he seemed to enjoy whatever he thought of.

"I thought it was rather sweet." Donghae commented. "Although it could have been better."

"How so?"

"Well, considering I booked the lodge room for us alone, with the setting I thought it'd be the perfect moment. I pictured the ideal confession, but I was reminded that things do happen, that not everything is absolute." He met his eyes.

He'd have to take the initiative and hope for the best. With a clear sign that even Ryeowook couldn't overlook.

Donghae leaned in and captured his lips.

Ryeowook barely noticed they had missed their chance to jump, the ski lift turning and heading downwards. Yet Donghae didn't seem to mind, hand holding his own, lips parted.

Ryeowook understood, clearly. Yet Donghae noticed his disheartened expression and prompted him to voice his insecurities.

"I'm not perfect. And I won't ever be." Ryeowook said. "If you have expectations of me, I can't fill them."

"If I held expectations of you, then this wouldn't be much of a relationship, would it?" Donghae asked, lifting the other's chin to meet his gaze. "I only hope you extend the same courtesy to me, since the future is so uncertain, I'm sure we'll both make mistakes."

Ryeowook nodded, relaxed by his words.

Donghae exhaled triumphantly. "If I had lost my chance with you, I know I'll regret it. And I don't think I could hold my face high at work if you ended up with that jerk from accounting."

Ryeowook chuckled when Donghae aimed to lower himself from the chairlift. "I told you," He said quietly, "Learn to take risks."

Donghae waited for Ryeowook who closed his eyes and soon did the same. He landed almost perfectly, but the other still held him, using the excuse nonetheless.


Donghae repeatedly offered the world to him, every possession he could want, every desire he could have fulfilled. But Ryeowook simply went along with his sprees, grateful for the gifts he received, but restraining him when he can.

"Why won't you let me spoil you?" Donghae had asked one evening beneath those brightly lit star-littered skies. Puffs of white air escaping their lips as he stood on the wooden balcony of the winter lodge, his coat straightened out by the tailor in his arms.

"I don't need the world." Ryeowook uttered, shifting his gaze from the white moon to face Donghae, reaching for his hand. "I just want you."

Donghae held him from behind, encircling his arms around his thin waist, both eyes closed.

He kissed him on the cheek, giving a pleased smile. He glanced at the cloudless sky, the moment he was too caught up in as he held him closer.

It was perfect.

- ❄ Challenge 14 ❄ | ❄ Challenge 16 ❄ -

A/N: First Haewook, not sure why I've been thinking of the couple lately, but wanted to attempt at one.

Check out haewookislove ^^

c: ryeowook, | length: one-shots, c: donghae, pairing: haewook, type: fanfiction, type: yaoi, challenge♣dec 31-shot

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