What´s meant to be will always find a way - Chapter 4 - Tumbleweed wagon

Jun 27, 2019 09:27

Author: NYWCgirl
Fandom: White collar
Pairing:  None
Characters:    Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Mozzie, Elizabeth, June, Satchmo
Warning/genre:  Wild West AU, injuries, jail, bullet wound
Spoilers: none
Rating: Gen
Author´s notes: Inspiration for this fic was given by
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bullet wound, round10, wild west au, injuries, hurt/comfort bingo, jail, hurt/comfort

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Comments 4

pipilj June 27 2019, 08:10:46 UTC
Glad Peter did not send Neal to the judge. Neal being Peter's CI :D


nywcgirl June 27 2019, 09:14:26 UTC
He would never do that.


ladyrose42 June 27 2019, 14:11:37 UTC
Left comment on AO3. Quirk of English, Franky should be Frankie. Looks like you omitted a gang name. In the Old West, off the top my head, is the Dalton gang, Butch Cassidy"s Wild Bunch. Just Google Old West gangs or Wild West gangs, quite the assortment of characters.

Neal would be quite happy with million reward and Sheriff Burke would be hard pressed to keep from getting kidnapped. Peter would want to change those posters to $1000 asap.


nywcgirl June 28 2019, 09:00:09 UTC
Yeah, one million would be a bit too much during that time, but I couldnt change the pic... :-(


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