Title: Hope (1/1)
Author: Nytel
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Only for season 1
Pairing: Kara/Lee
Genre: Friendship, kind of angst-y but not between pilots
Summary: Kara knew that the overwhelming knowledge of what had happened had hit some people right away, but for others, like her, it had taken longer.
Word Count: 1,881
Beta: None, so if you see any
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Comments 29
I also like that Lee is there for Kara, on a level she can accept, when she needs someone.
--Lee is awesome. *g*
Your Kara is great in this fic. Subdued, thoughtful, but still Starbuck.
--Thank you! I wasn't sure how well I'd be able to write season 1 canon Kara after writing AU Kara for so long, but I'm pleased with how it turned out. :)
Thanks for reading!
About 100 bookmarks made and 50 packaged. Yay me. So I need to bribe people to write me fic so that I can get my work done I guess ;).
Thanks again hon, I really thought it was great!!
I liked the reference to 'fight 'em until we can’t' even though that is far in the future still.
Bribery always works wonders. Lol. ;)
I'm glad you liked it! And purple panty fic is being written as we 'speak'. Though, I'm not sure, it may be sexy enough to count as motivation for both Sunday and Monday... ;)
Thanks hon, you are a true friend, writing pilots (and porn) for me so I will do my own work. lol
And hey, I'm even being productive today too. :D
Lee being determined to make sure she was okay and Kara letting him.
--If only things were always like this...
Of course I couldn't resist the banter. :)
Thanks for reading! *hugs* And I think I'm definitely going to be starting a rewatch of season one at some point. I miss those early days!
The "special Apollo powers" were a nice touch.
--Lol. I enjoyed including them. ;)
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