Title: Syrup Shortage (1/1)
Author: Nytel
Rating: PG
Characters: George, Mason, Daisy, Roxy, Kiffany
Genre: Gen fic
Summary: She figured that the more bad souls she took out of the world, the better she was for it. Well, that and continually beating Mason was fun.
Word Count: 915
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. I am merely borrowing them.
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Comments 11
I so need DLM icons again.... lol.
I had to go in search of DLM icons just so I could post! Lol.
Thanks for reading. :)
Post it at dlm_fanfiction!!!!!!
Thanks so much for another awesome fic! I feel spoiled rotten!
I've only just (relatively) recently finished season 2, so I think it helps that the voices are all still fresh in my mind. :)
I posted it there this morning. ;)
Thanks so much for another awesome fic! I feel spoiled rotten!
--You are very welcome. And you totally deserve to be spoiled. :D
I gotta tell you something funny. I printed it out and read it and liked it but was really confused and then I realized I'd only read the end as it was really two pages. LOL So I started from the beginning and then, you know what? The end made perfect sense!
Lol at only reading the last page though. :) It's okay, stuff like that happens to all of us at one time or another. :)
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