Title: Summer Nights (5/?)
Author: Nytel
Rating: NC-17 (or at least it will be)
Spoilers: Nada. It's a pre-mini AU fic.
Pairing: Kara/Lee
Genre: Romance
Summary: Neither of them had been expecting anything other than a normal summer break.
Word Count: 3,924
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Comments 21
I thoroughly enjoyed this and I am gutted at the thought that I may have to wait a month before the next update (*sobs quietly*)
Still, I haven't posted anything for months, so who am I to complain...
I'm so glad you liked this chapter. :) Hopefully it won't be an entire month, but don't want to make any promises I can't keep. Eek! I've at least got the next chapter started, and plans to work on it this evening, so that's something at least. :)
Thanks for reading!
Update when you can...really enjoying the story, it will be worth the wait!
Thanks for reading. :)
I hate that Kara blames herself for what happened with Sam, but it's a nice bit of continuity from what we know about Kara's childhood with her mother.
I'm sad to hear you won't be posting more chapters for a little bit, but I know how hard it is to juggle the RL with the fiction addiction. If you can promise that Kara will start noticing the hotness of her new BFF, like say her catching him fresh from the shower...well then I'll be waiting with even more excitement for the next installment.
Try not to stress too bad and thanks for giving me a diversion from the suck that is Monday!
--*g* This makes me giddy, and I also have a fun time picturing it. ;)
I hate that Kara blames herself for what happened with Sam, but it's a nice bit of continuity from what we know about Kara's childhood with her mother.
--Thank you. Kara's mother will be coming into play more in later chapters.
I'm sad to hear you won't be posting more chapters for a little bit, but I know how hard it is to juggle the RL with the fiction addiction. If you can promise that Kara will start noticing the hotness of her new BFF, like say her catching him fresh from the shower...well then I'll be waiting with even more excitement for the next installment.--I'm sad too. :( Damn work. Lol. Unfortunately work's a bit of a necessity. *sigh* So is life, right? I can't make any promises about a shower scene, but we're starting to get ( ... )
I understand that u re busy, but still...I´ll be checking regularly for updates!
Thanks for reading!
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