Title: In a Word by NyteFlyer
Fandom: The Donald Strachey Mysteries
Pairing: Donald and Timmy, of course!
Rating: R for language
Word Count: 1250
Spoilers: There’s one microscopic reference to Shock to the System.
Summary: Enquiring minds….
Genre: Utter nonsense
Disclaimer: I’m not making any money here. As always, the rights belong to the ever-so-
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Comments 16
Well, this story...hmm, it's surely love when in a long time relationship your partner can wake you up in the middle of the night and demands a Q/A session right then without getting instantly murdered!(I would have murdered anyone, but of course,, I don't have a Donald!Sigh!
I loved this dialogues!So true with a little mischiefs from both sides!
And not-so-jealous-Donald always needs a little reassurance...
Off I go to your next story...
Now, let's contemplate that little scenerio you invoked for a moment. In bed, snuggled up between Donald and Timmy? Oh, my. Talk about a fantasy! Is it getting warm in here????
Nyte <----fanning herself
Of course, now you have me wondering 1.) how my Silver Fox would describe me 2.)what I would say for him and 3.)if I'd rather have a Donald or a Timmy of my very own (if it weren't for the Silver Fox).
And now I'm thinking that my Silver Fox IS a combination of Donald and Timmy.... (and not always the good parts) ... (but perhaps the naughty bits?) TMI!!!! oops.
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