Title: Goodbye's Aren't Forever: Chapter 1: A Reunion That Was Never Meant To Be
Author: Nyrok5 A.K.A Kezz
Rating: NC-17, sometimes will change
Warning: MxM, Sexual situations, Foul Language, so on so forth
Pairings: Yunjae (Main), Yunho/Kimbum (Boys Over Flowers), Jaejoong/Hyun Joong (SS501) Yoosu, Changmin/ Heechul, Eunhae, few more
Genre: Romance,
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Comments 10
I understand Jae is here to get Yunho to agree to the divorce and most probably to sign the papers but why can't he just approach him directly instead of playing around like that. And to me it looks like Jae is jealous and his love for Yunho is still there.
well i want to explain it to you but um if I do it kinda ruins it so sorry, i just can't
i hope you liked it <333
but, why did jae go in there like that?
he could have been more sensitive about the whole divorce thing.
good chapter update soon, k.
mmm, i dont mean to make Jae sound like a selfish emotionless guy but he will be explained soon and why he does the things he did.
thank you i hope you enjoyed it, i'll try and update as quickly as possible
well...but anyways we don't really know what exactly happened in the past so well...we can't say anything to accuse anyone here...
good chapter ♥
im glad you enjoyed it, <333
But still really very good chapter ^^
Go to read the next chapter <333
PS : i'am totally in love with yr fic ^^
I'm glad you liked it <333
Awww, thank you thank you thank you
PS: I so love your Chunnie icon <333
PS : yeah i LOVE it too ^^. Isn't this man too HOT hehe
Hell yes he is, da-yum hes really really hot in that pic *swoons*
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