The relative positions of the repeating fields is important in this record, i.e. each instance of the ClOrdID, CumQty, LeavesQty, CxlQty and AvgPx must be in the order shown below.
Each list status message will report on only a maximum of 50 orders; if the list contains more than 50 orders multiple status messages will be required.
The list status message format is as follows: Tag Field Name Req'd Comments Standard Header Y MsgType = N 66 ListID Y 105 WaveNo N 82 NoReports Y Total number of messages required to status complete list.
Financial Information Exchange Protocol (FIX) Version 4.1 April 1, 1998
The second closest book was a UNIX bible. And that would have been on the finger command.
Comments 3
Each list status message will report on only a maximum of 50 orders; if the list contains more than 50 orders multiple status messages will be required.
The list status message format is as follows:
Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
Standard Header Y MsgType = N
66 ListID Y
105 WaveNo N
82 NoReports Y Total number of messages required to status complete list.
Financial Information Exchange Protocol (FIX)
Version 4.1
April 1, 1998
The second closest book was a UNIX bible.
And that would have been on the finger command.
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