It was actually my Income Support that was playing silly buggers, I didn't figure that out until my last bank credit made it onto the full online statement. Just phoned them up and it turned out that because there had been a change in my entitlement to DLA they needed more information before they could pay me. Ah, what a user-friendly system it is
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Comments 4
I find it helpful when you put the little number thingies1 in.
1 like this kind of thing.
But yours is not the only one...I think a lot of people just write what they know and don't think about whether or not everyone else is going to know exactly what they mean...which is why I tend to ask a lot of questions. hehe
At BiCon the Community Info Zones invented by memevector and contributed to by many people, including me, serve the purpose of allowing people to read about different identities including a glossary of common terms. This was inspired by comments people made in first timers sessions.
I met someone at the weekend who was non-academic, shy about asking questions, and new to the bi scene. She felt excluded by the language that was being used. It's not just the bi scene: this sort of thing happens in various places.
The Community Info Zones are a good idea though.
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