Title: By the Light of the Moon
nyaaaaaauuuuuuuCharacter/Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating/Genre: PG/flufferdoodles
Summary: Mid-S2. Rose wants to know why alien tourists would visit southern New England.
Disclaimer: Not. mine. unfortunately.
Author's Notes: Longest fic I’ve posted yet… O_O. Originally inspired by
October Pic Prompts 1 & 2, so as you can
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Comments 30
I really enjoyed this, thank you!
I'm glad you liked it!
This is very in character for the two of them, and leaves me with a lovely, warm, fluffy feeling :) The dancing, the nonsense conversation, the Doctor carrying Rose to bed and that chaste kiss and the way he's looking at her at the end - perfect. Loved it :)
I'm glad you liked the description passages so much (I really do love fall in New England); I felt like I was struggling with dialogue/description balance. Well, practice, as they say... ;)
And I'm overjoyed you think it's in character! As much as I love the Doctor and Rose overcoming the epic baddies, I would have loved to see more of their exploring and puzzling out strange or quirky things on screen. That's why I write it, I s'pose.
And I love Rose and the Doctor loving each other in any manner, and I love to see the Doctor floored. Thus the ending. Hee.
And as I sit here shivering in my own SE New England apartment, I'm thinking that hot apple cider sounds really good right about now...
As I mentioned above, I do love to see the Doctor flummoxed. Ten does the surprise, shock, and humor very well. It would be harder to broadside Nine...I'm really tempted to try writing that, now. :)
And, I know - hasn't it gotten just *freezing* in the past few days? I suppose one good thing about still living in the dorms is that they do our heat for us...at a steady 85 degrees. No joke. I've had to open my window in order not to melt. I try not to think about how much money they're wasting on energy. :P
Freezing is an understatement! And I think it's supposed to snow on Sunday. Joy. My dorms when I was at Roger Williams were the exact same way - twenty degrees outside, window open with fan on in the inside. And we were right on the Mount Hope bay too, you'd think there'd be a nice breeze...
And if you're looking for something a little more entertaining than laughing at wasteful school admins, in one of the quickie lunch places called Panini Grill down by where I work in Middletown, they have a classic Doctor Who pinball machine in there. My friend pointed it out to me, at which point I was all *squee*. Mature, me? Nah...
The dancing scene was actually where this fic started. And then I saw the pumpkin pic prompt and said to myself, 'what would the Doctor say to pumpkins?' And it just sort of grew from there.
The Van Morrison crept in there sneakily and decided not only was 'Moondance' required, but 'Brown-eyed Girl' was going to have to make an appearance too. And the Doctor likes his brown-eyed girl. ;)
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