challenge 6/7 submission post

Jan 21, 2008 16:49

Challenge #6/7: Jamalot/Raising Shane
Since only two people entered in Challenge #6, we're going to combine that challenge with this one. You can use caps from either episode. The number of icons has changed this round too. You can submit up to eight icons for this round, 4 for challenge 6, and 4 for challenge 7.

For those who submitted on challenge #6, please re-enter those icons here. You can also choose to scrap those icons if you wish. If there are any questions, just comment.

Okay, here is where I launch into a long explanation about this challenge. I picked Raising Shane, because it's a good episode, and also one of my favourites, so I had a lot of caps that I picked, 77 to be exact. I know, a lot. To be fair, I had over a thousand to pick from (I got them from here).

Anyway, I randomly picked 27 caps to put under the cut, but if you want all 77 caps that I did pick, I'm making my Photobucket public for this week only, so that you can browse the caps I pick :)

Here's Challenge #6: Jamalot and under the cut is Challenge #7: Raising Shane.

All 77 caps are here.

- All 8 icons (4 for Challenge 6, 4 for Challenge 7) are due Saturday, January 26th.
- All icons must be LJ size (under 40kb, and 100x100)
- Don't show off your icons until after voting.
- Please only submit to the challenge 7 post, aka this post, and if you've already submitted to challenge 6, please re-submit to challenge 7!

challenge 06, submissions, challenge 07

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