Challenge 24: Page Turner
» You can make up to 6 icons; they are due November 28th, 2008.
» The icons have to be well within LJ standards: 100x100 and under 40kb.
» Everything but blending is allowed.
» This week, your episode is Page Turner . I have 32 images under the cut, taken from
wrthy2bluvd's post
here*. As usual, you can use any of these images, or any of your own, as long as they are from this episode.
*There is a downloadable link located here.
According to the poll I gave a couple weeks ago, most of you are okay with downloading zipped images. For those of who who aren't, I added more images to the pile of images I usually give.
Also, there probably are spoilers, and, again, in response to the
poll I did a couple weeks ago, I didn't include another non-spoilery episode. Please vote in that poll, if you want this to change. This will be your last warning!