Most commented posts of the year

Dec 22, 2007 10:25

...well, not quite of the whole year; here are the posts on this blog that attracted the most comments since 16 December last year.

25 December 2006: Luke 2:1-14 - Δοξα εν υψιστοις θεω, και επι γης ειρηνη εν ανθρωποις ευδοκιας - 16 comments
26 December 2006: *falls over* - 29 comments (locked post: story of a domestic accident)
5 January 2007: The language is Irish, not Gaelic - 45 comments
6 January 2007: Enjoyable if your French is up to it - 16 comments (Who Wants to be a Millionaire and bad astronomy)
6 January 2007: Books of 2006, for the last time I promise - 32 comments (have you been reading what I've been reading?)
21 January 2007: Icons meme - 23 comments
23 January 2007: Synthesis post - 17 comments (BSFA and Clarke awards)
24 January 2007: Genes reveal West African heritage of white Brits - 29 comments
2 February 2007: February Books 2) The Catcher in the Rye - 22 comments
11 February 2007: What has it got in its pocketses? - 16 comments (Banknotes quiz)
12 February 2007: Banknotes - the answers - 18 comments
14 February 2007: "25^H^H 20 comics that can change your life" - 38 comments
16 February 2007: Eagleton on Dawkins; me on astrology - 94 comments (this year's clear winner)
16 March 2007: Well, that's a relief - 26 comments (apparently I am Irish)
28 March 2007: I couldn't possibly comment - 19 comments (WHO official has an appropriate name)
29 March 2007: The Mind Robber; the Deadly Assassin - 23 comments
15 April 2007: What really struck me about this story... - 19 comments (losing your virginity in the US and Africa)
17 April 2007: Wanna work for me? - 24 comments
23 April 2007: Interests and icons meme - 17 comments
26 April 2007: 40, 30, 20, 10 - 61 comments (my birthday)
27 April 2007: My birthday present to me: longer life - 21 comments
28 April 2007: Evolution of the Daleks instant reaction - 35 comments
20 May 2007: May Books 18) Sailing to Sarantium - 23 comments
3 June 2007: Free stuff - 19 comments
16 June 2007: Utopia liveblogging - 17 comments
27 June 2007: One last thing - 27 comments (guess the language)
1 July 2007: Who - 22 comments (commentary on Doctor Who season finale)
4 July 2007: Who recommendations - 17 comments
20 July 2007: How did you first encounter Harry Potter? - 24 comments
23 July 2007: Frustration - 17 comments (poor signposting in Ireland)
25 July 2007: Plato/Huxley - 17 comments
29 July 2007: Which paper? - 19 comments (boycotting the Observer)
30 July 2007: Stoned - 20 comments (megaliths in County Down)
2 August 2007: Being fit - 51 comments
11 August 2007: A question that occurred to me... - 16 comments (how to pronounce "shaman")
12 August 2007: Not such a good return - 42 comments (locked post; problems with B)
14 August 2007: U's favourite music - 26 comments (link since taken down, alas)
5 September 2007: RapLeaf - 76 comments
7 September 2007: What appears to have happened with RapLeaf - 48 comments
8 September 2007: More on RapLeaf - 18 comments
21 September 2007: Q: Is Belgium an artificial state? - 31 comments
23 September 2007: "tombé pour notre liberté" - 24 comments
23 September 2007: Religion as a cause of conflict - 39 comments
3 October 2007: She's leaving home - 60 comments (B's departure)
7 October 2007: Is it just me? - 23 comments (Audi drivers)
15 October 2007: That was the Octocon that was - 21 comments
18 October 2007: Facebook in my work - 44 comments
16 November 2007: Time Crash - 21 comments
17 November 2007: Spice grope - 16 comments
6 December 2007: Is Europe a country? - 20 comments
18 December 2007: You read it here first (perhaps) - 33 comments (Lib Dem election result)
20 December 2007: There's just one thing I don't understand... - 27 comments (Windows Vista)

Thanks, everyone, for responding as you have done.
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