February Books 9) The Einstein Intersection

Feb 25, 2006 16:05

9) The Einstein Intersection, by Samuel R. Delany

Nebula winner from way back. I quite liked this at first, with the re-telling of the Orpheus and other myths very reminiscent of Zelazny's This Immortal and of Anderson's "Goat Song" which must have been writen at almost the same time. But it got a bit rambling and disjointed at the end. Also any author who inserts bits of his own writing journal into the text is just showing off. I'm rather surprised that this beat both Zelazny's Lord of Light and Silverberg's Thorns, but then I have often been surprised by Nebula winners. (The other two nominees were Chthon by Piers Anthony, which I haven't read, and The Eskimo Invasion by Hayden Howard, who I haven't even heard of.)

OK, six Nebula winners left to read.

poc, sf: nebulas, writer: samuel r delany, bookblog 2006

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