My year on social media: Twitter

Dec 23, 2018 15:03

(Fifth of six posts: see also traditional media, Instagram, LinkedIn, Livejournal, and Facebook.)

My most successful tweet of the year, topping the metrics for impressions, engagements, retweets, replies, media views and media engagements was a clip of Frans Timmermans, the First Vice-President of the European Commission, laying into Nigel Farage:

Brilliant takedown of Nigel Farage by @TimmermansEU about #Poland in the European Parliament yesterday!
- Nicholas Whyte (@nwbrux) March 1, 2018

My most liked Tweet was a report from Peter Capaldi's Q&A at London Film and Comic Con, where, in case I didn't mention it, I had a great time. This also had the most hashtag clicks and detail expands of any Tweet this year:

#LFCC Peter Capaldi: “I’m going to say something a bit controversial. I’m not a fan of the sonic screwdriver.” Sharp collective intake of breath from audience. “Sorry! But I’m not Doctor Who any more!”
- Nicholas Whyte (@nwbrux) July 29, 2018

The Tweet that got me the most clicks through to my own user profile was, perhaps not surprisingly, the one in which I recommended a lot of other people more famous than me:

But read also @tconnellyRTE for Irish media; other commentators include @AndrewDuffEU @KeohaneDan @kevinhorourke @JonLis1 @DPhinnemore @GuitarMoog @hayward_katy @davidallengreen and from Brexit side @julianHjessop. Apologies to those I have missed. Bon weekend a tous!
- Nicholas Whyte (@nwbrux) November 2, 2018

The Tweet with the most URL clickthroughs was my LJ post about the leaked Boundary Commission proposals in January:

The leaked Boundary Commission proposals
- Nicholas Whyte (@nwbrux) January 17, 2018

The Tweet with the most permalink clicks (due to the peculiar tweeting style of the person I was arguing with) was a rather pointless exchange with a Eurosceptic:

Wasn't asking you to jump though any hoops, just to tell me about the freedoms that are constrained by the EU, which you referred to earlier.

But if you can't answer the question, that's fine, and I'll draw my own conclusions.
- Nicholas Whyte (@nwbrux) September 26, 2018

The Tweet that got me the most new followers (a glorious five) was this mini-thread about how Brexit could have gone differently:

There's a parallel universe where the UK realised the day after the referendum that they needed to get Ireland and Belgium, the two countries most dependent on British trade, onside, and work out a joint strategy for dealing with Brexit.
- Nicholas Whyte (@nwbrux) November 2, 2018

I used to use a proprietary sevice for analysing the impact of my Tweets, but it went out of business, possibly because Twitter's own analytics are rather good.

twitter, #poland, #lfcc

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