What should I read in 2016?

Dec 29, 2015 21:39

As ever, I found your votes very helpful in leading me to interesting reading in 2015, and I would once again very much appreciate your advice on what books to read next, by filling in this poll. This is not the complete contents of my unread shelf; I've stripped out Doctor Who books, Dutch-language comics and books by white men which I acquired before this year. The books are listed in each category by descending popularity on LibraryThing.

With the gradual decline of Livejournal, and also as I dig down through my TBR pile to less well-known works, I wonder how much longer I'll be able to keep up these annual posts (see previously here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here). But for now I think we're good for at least this year.

I believe that even if you don't have a Livejournal account, you can sign in with your Twitter or Facebook credentials to tick boxes. Individual recommendations, pro and anti, regarding books actually on the lists are very welcome in comments. Apologies in advance to editors listed below as authors, or to any co-authors and co-editors whose names are omitted; this is scraped from my LibraryThing catalogue so some important details do get lost. Any miscategorisation, however, is entirely my fault and cannot be blamed on software.

NB that the question for the sf books is different from the questions for the other two categories.


bookblog 2016

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