2011 Hugo Awards: who do voters say they will vote for?

Jul 30, 2011 12:50

Back in the days when the internet was less than half its present size, ie the mid-noughties, I did an annual survey linking to online reviews of all the Hugo nominees in the written fiction categories (see my efforts for 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006). It would be very difficult to repeat such an exercise now; a lot of online material is difficult to ( Read more... )

hugos 2011

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Comments 7

pickwick July 30 2011, 13:50:58 UTC
Interesting indeed!

I haven't got my notes with me so I can't actually remember which is which in terms of the short stories and novelettes - I read them a while ago. I liked Troika a lot, it'll probably get my vote for novella. (I liked Software Objects all the way through but was disappointed by the ending; I wasn't as keen on Troika for most of it, but was blown away by the ending.)

I couldn't get into The Lady Who Plucked at all, and the same with Dervish House, actually - I think because both of them had writing styles that struck me as LOOK HOW FOREIGN WE ARE. Might have to look at my own language-related xenophobia there, I don't know!

Novel-wise, I liked Cryoburn enough to make me go and read the entire Vorkosigan saga, so that's pretty good. But in terms of quality, I think Feed has it for me. (My order would be Feed, Cryoburn, Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, Blackout, Dervish House.)


pgmcc July 30 2011, 19:22:32 UTC
Thanks for pulling all that together.

In the novels I have voted 1 for Dervish House and 2 The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms 3 No Award

The Dervish House is by far the best novel of the bunch.

Now we wait and see!


ninebelow August 1 2011, 15:51:54 UTC
"That Leviathan Whom Thou Hast Made" gets first preferences from four

I only count three: The Gregarious Loner, Elitist Book Reviews and Stefanie S. I specifically checked for that story because I wanted to see what people who liked it said about it. "Just a couple guys with much better taste in books than you." Hmm.


nwhyte August 1 2011, 16:19:30 UTC
Thanks, I got it wrong. I was vaguely counting both "guys with much better taste" since they both put it first, but if I was being systematic I should have given them only one vote.


ecbatan August 2 2011, 03:33:44 UTC
For what it may be worth, my votes (after Alan Heuer finally teased them out of me) went to The Dervish House in novel, "The Maiden Flight of McCauley's Bellerophon" in novella, "Plus or Minus" in novelette, and "The Things" in short story.

Novella was the only category to give me ranking trouble -- I could easily have switched the order of the Hand, Swirsky, and Landis novellas.

I did use my power of No Award, to keep zombie novels from winning (a joke, sort of, as I didn't read FEED -- but God I hate the zombie trope); and also to keep the two stories I felt really unworthy from winning: "Ponies", a bad story by an excellent author, and "That Leviathan ...", a not very good story from an author with promise ....


Just a quick update: hobsonphile August 2 2011, 13:39:19 UTC
Stephanie S. has finally posted reviews on the last two novels, and her final ranking was:

1) Blackout/All Clear
2) Cryoburn
3) The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
4) Feed
5) The Dervish House



Re: Just a quick update: nwhyte August 2 2011, 16:01:40 UTC
Yes, not a huge surprise!


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