May Books 2) Captain Britain and MI13: Vampire State, by Paul Cornell

May 06, 2010 07:07

I found this quite difficult to get into. I'm not familiar with Captain Britain as a character, and the two-paragraph synopsis was not sufficient for me to get the characters sorted out in my mind. So I spent some time wondering who I was meant to care about in the story. (And who was the rather cute woman who apparently gets torn in half on page 31, never to be mentioned again?)

Apart from that (fairly major) gripe, I did like the two main elements of the plot - the story of Captain Britain and his friends using cunning subterfuge to defeat a planned invasion of vampires from space led by Dracula, and the escape of our hero's wife from Hell. Also I fundamentally approve of Cornell's rewriting of Britishness as an inclusive project - here the vampires are the bigots obsessed with religious purity. And the artwork is rather gorgeous.

hugos 2010, writer: paul cornell, comics, bookblog 2010

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