Title: Vessel Fandom: Supernatural Character: Castiel. Sort of. Spoilers: 4.1 "Lazarus Rising" (character identity spoiler only) Rating: R, violence, language Synopsis: What makes a man so devout ( he prays to be possessed by... - slightly spoilery )
Castiel just showed up this season after pulling Dean out of hell. He's a little bit Illyria-like in intensity, in a tan trenchcoat. And I just couldn't imagine a vessel any less intense.
Thank you. It was just one of those that grabbed me from the moment Castiel talked about the vessel, and kept coming to mind and making me wonder. I couldn't see it being some regular Joe.
I really like the formatting of this (which I totally missed on first read-through *facepalm*), and while things heavy on religion I usually pass on, this seemed to just hit the right notes for me. I thought it was a great read from start to finish.
Comments 78
Those two sentences just kept nibbling at my brain, so I had to do something with them.
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