
Mar 27, 2020 21:39

So hey ( Read more... )

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Comments 31

tabaqui March 28 2020, 14:35:24 UTC
Hey, you! Hi! :D
I'm so happy to see you here, and glad you're doing fun things, and good things, and embracing the life of the retired person. That's awesome!

Jeez, too many broken feet! That's unfun.

*waves madly*


nwhepcat March 30 2020, 02:50:11 UTC
Squee!!! Good to see you here too. No other social media platform is the same, though I'm glad I've caught up with a lot of fandom peeps on FB. But this feels like home.


tabaqui March 30 2020, 02:56:31 UTC
Yes, it really does! :D


brunettepet March 28 2020, 15:10:11 UTC
Congratulations on retirement (though it would have been nice to go out on terms). It sounds like you're keeping busy and enjoyed the freedom while it lasted. Hopefully we'll be back to a semblance of normal before too long.Tim has absolutely no patience with binge watching anything and that's all I want to do other than ...spending A LOT of time obsessively scrolling on Twitter and paying attention to the news. Ugh. It's horribly addictive and winds me up. I'm the worst shelter at home partner ever!

I hope the foot is healing up well. We've been lucky to have some friends and bands we like performing live on Youtube and the like to keep us entertained and them in beer money. It's an interesting platform that's often glitchy and lo fi. Just like us!

I've missed you, too!


cbtreks March 28 2020, 16:18:51 UTC
So good to see you! I'm glad you're back. (And so, hopefully, am I.)


nwhepcat March 30 2020, 02:43:15 UTC
Yes please! Good to see you too!


herself_nyc March 28 2020, 17:23:42 UTC
Yay you're back!


nwhepcat March 30 2020, 02:42:47 UTC
Yay indeed!


twasadark March 28 2020, 19:26:38 UTC
Your poor foot! I hope it gets much better soon. Maybe get a bionic one? They must have them somewhere...lol

Sounds like you are super busy during retirement and quarantine. I've worked from home for 13 years now so except for meeting friends and seeing them for lunch there isn't a huge difference in my life. My husband is home a lot which is really hard for him and subsequently me too.

A lot of people are coming back to LJ and DW these days. We need community online if nothing else. I'll have to post too.

Hope your creativity comes back stronger than ever. It's waiting there for you like a little bird.


nwhepcat March 30 2020, 02:42:26 UTC
Great to see you!!

Oh, the foot has been insane! I had serious surgery on it in 2016, a fusion. Had surgery to take out some of the hardware in May 2017 (quite possibly a mistake). Broke the three bones in October 2017. Broke one bone (all the same foot) in April 2019, had surgery and more hardware in May. Since then, so far so good. When my orthopedic surgeon came in to autograph the correct foot before that last surgery, I said, "We've gotta stop meeting like this."


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