The Hillbilly Remix Challenge - Volatile by norgbelulah

Oct 17, 2012 01:01

Remixed Author: halfshellvenus
Remixed Story: Something Like Lightning
Title: Volatile
Author: norgbelulah
Characters Boyd Crowder, Raylan Givens, Bo Crowder
Pairings: Boyd Crowder/Raylan Givens
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~750
Spoilers: Pre-series only.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Justified belongs to Elmore Leonard and Graham Yost.
A/N: Thanks to thornfield_girl, engage_protocol, and also someotherstorm for beta help ( Read more... )

fic, hrc 2012, hillbilly remix challenge

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Comments 12

engage_protocol October 20 2012, 00:47:08 UTC
I still love this immensely!


norgbelulah October 20 2012, 16:17:25 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad. I should really try to write short things more often again. :)


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