Jul 31, 2010 04:39

So I know it's not the video you're expecting Jamie, but I heard this song the other day on the radio and imediately thought of Spuffy. It's not quite a video. more like a 'vidlet' that I put together in a night, cause I was called into work on my day off and needed to releive some stress.

'tell me now where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart?'

image Click to view

I held no punches with this one, it is pretty short but I think it says a lot. and the Tragic tone of the song is so fitting for them.

Comments are love. :)

It is now officially 2:38AM and I must sleep.

vidding, ship: buffy & spike/btvs, tv: btvs, vidding: video/btvs spuffy

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