Title: The Princess and the Constable: A Night on the Road
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Word Count: 2,131
Author’s Note: Just a little bit of crack that started when I was trying to go to sleep one night. Posted for the
about_time Battleship Challenge: Team!Laura. Prompts met: Diplomacy is the best strategy.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Ronald D. Moore. He’s a very lucky man.
“Billy, go find out why we have stopped.”
“Yes, Lady Laura.” Billy threw off the blanket over his legs and scampered off his cushioned seat toward the door.
“Wait, wait! For goodness sake, Billy, put my wrap about you, it’s freezing out.”
“Yes, Lady Laura.” The young boy wrapped the large fur around his shoulders and pushed open the heavy door to the carriage. A blast of cold air blew in as he struggled vainly to shut the door against the strong wind. Laura reached an arm out to help, “Sorry m’lady.” Billy apologized.
“Hush Billy, it’s fine. Now hurry back.”
The door finally closed and the carriage’s relative warmth reestablished, Laura reclined back against an embroidered pillow, exhausted from a long day negotiating terms with her kingdom’s neighboring tyrant on behalf of its subjugated citizens. In truth, she had little hope for reaching an agreement with the unsavory man; but her father had always taught her diplomacy was the best strategy and she would submit herself to the difficulties of negotiating if it would save her kingdom from a war that would likely take many lives.
A few moments later, a soft knock sounded on the door and at her call to enter, Billy began pulling it open. Once again, Laura leaned out to assist, nearly lifting the child back up into the carriage, getting caught in the now damp and mud tinged fur she had sent him out in.
After quite a bit of shuffling, Laura and the boy were settled back in their seats and she reached to push aside the wet curls now clinging to his forehead.
“What did you discover,” Laura queried, amused at Billy’s reddened nose and bright eyes.
“The bridge, m’Lady. It’s been flooded over since we crossed the river this morning. We can’t get by.”
“What is being done? We can’t possibly sit here all night. We’ll all freeze!”
Billy took a big breath and rushed through his answer, “The Constable sent a Knight out already to find a boat that can take you across. But he still doesn’t think it’ll be safe till daylight as the river’s running too fast. The men are setting up camp along the road.”
“And what of you and I? Surely the Constable doesn’t expect us to sit in this carriage all night?”
“He believes it will be warmer for us here. We have a few blankets between us and the heavy wood of the carriage to block most of the wind, he says.”
“It won’t be enough. The night will only grow colder, I’m afraid. We’ll either need a fire, as I am certain they are building outside, or a larger body to add warmth to our space.”
“A body, m’Lady?” Billy looked perplexed and a bit terrified of the firm set of his lady’s jaw. He had been in the company of Princess Laura since his parents had died in a castle fire when he was two. After ten years, he should be used to her unorthodox ways but despite his youth, he often felt it was his duty as her Paige to prevent the complications, and inevitable rumors, that followed.
“Yes, go fetch the Constable, Billy.” Her tone was decisive, and despite his misgivings, Billy wrapped the fur around him once more and quickly complied. Lady Laura was not easily swayed once she had an idea in her head.
Again Laura waited. Longer this time and she was certain the wait was due to the Constable’s obstinate nature. Being ordered to the Princess’ carriage by her young Paige would not rate highly on the man’s priorities. However, he was a loyal man, trusted explicitly by her father, and thus by her, and he would not ignore her summons completely.
Just as Laura was about to stick her own head out the carriage door, a rough knock sounded on the other side.
“Enter,” she called firmly. He may be a loyal knight but Laura knew he was also a traditionalist and would respond better to the King’s daughter than to a simpering princess.
The door was pulled open easily and the Constable appeared, blocking much of the cold wind with his bulky frame. “Your Highness,” he bowed his head as much as his large helmet allowed.
“Constable Adama, thank you for coming, I know you and your men must be busy preparing camp and exhausted after the long days journey. I trust they will have fires enough to be comfortable through the night?” Laura’s concern was genuine but her opening comment was also a strategic attempt to begin the current negotiations on a good foot.
“Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. The men will be fine.” Adama’s succinct response was not exactly what Laura was hoping for and she sensed she had better get to the point before he dismissed himself.
“I am glad, Sir. I know your men are aptly prepared for any condition. I, however, am not, I’m afraid.”
“Your boy has expressed your concern Your Highness. I believe it will be safest for you to remain in your carriage where you will be protected from the wind. My men are gathering what few blankets we have for you now.”
“No, no. That won’t do, Constable. I won’t have the knights going without blankets on account of me. This matter can be much more easily solved in everyone’s favor.”
Laura waved away Constable Adama’s questioning gaze that told her he doubted her ability to strategize even in this non-defensive capacity. He probably also did not appreciate her questioning his plan.
“All I need is one man to join young Billy and I in the carriage. A little body heat should be more than enough to get us through the night.” Laura’s bright grin was a stark contrast to the near appalled look taking over Adama’s countenance.
“I beg your pardon, Your Highness.” Adama quickly schooled his features to a more controlled stare. “Are you suggesting one of my knights spend the evening in this carriage by your side?”
“No, of course not, Constable! How absurd,” Laura chortled and she saw Adama’s armoured shoulders begin to relax before she continued, “I am suggesting you spend the evening in this carriage by my side.”
Laura watched shock, disbelief, and anger flick through the Constable’s eyes before they settled into a determined glare.
“It would be highly inappropriate for me to spend the night as you suggest, Your Highness. I will have the men gather blankets enough for you and your boy.” Adama’s stern tone should have brooked no argument, but Laura was born an heir to the throne. The eldest child of the benevolent King of a vast kingdom and the head of the castle since her mother had succumbed to illness when she was but a young girl. She had no qualms arguing with a High Constable.
“I will not have these men freeze on my account when a simple solution will ensure all of our safety through the night. I require the warmth of another adult in this carriage tonight and I know you would not wish one of your young knights to be submitted to that awkwardness. My father trusts you explicitly, as do I. You will not impinge upon my honor.”
“Your father trusts me to see to your safety, Your Highness.” Adama’s tone is clipped as he continues, “I cannot do that hidden in a carriage.”
Softening in response to the Constable’s apparent pride, Laura took a sweeter, more placating, tone, “You are correct, Constable. You are to see to my safety, which includes keeping me from freezing on this cold night. And indeed, what better place to protect me than by my side?”
Adama continued to stare at Laura, likely attempting to come up with another argument against her. She decided to put the situation to rest, “You may consider my suggestion, Constable, an order.”
“And if I refuse?”
Laura smirked. She has nearly won, “I will have you thrown out the highest tower upon our return.”
“Your father would not allow it.”
Laura hummed. Adama narrowed his eyes. An eyebrow climbed up Laura’s forehead in challenge. Adama sighed.
Just as Laura was certain the Constable would relent, a soft cough sounded behind him.
“Oh my goodness! Billy, get in here quick before you freeze!” Laura pushed Adama away from the doorway and reached for Billy’s hand. The Constable was quick into action, lifting the thin boy under his shoulders and hoisting him inside where he quickly burrowed under a blanket in the corner.
After ensuring Billy was wrapped up, Laura returned her gaze to the man still standing erect at the entrance to the carriage. Her bright green eyes shone with mirth but the set of her jaw made it clear the argument was over.
Adama sighed much louder, turned to give orders to his Field Marshal, who Laura heard bark out a laugh that wasn’t the least bit phased by the scathing look the Constable sent back.
Laura began to rearrange the pillows and few blankets inside the carriage to make room for the Constable’s large frame. It won’t be the most comfortable place to sleep but she is certain Adama’s strong arms will go a long way in ensuring it’s not the least comfortable, either.
When she is done, Laura turned to find the Constable attempting to climb into the carriage, armor and all, and her head is thrown back as she roared in laughter. Adama stopped halfway into the carriage, “What?” he barks.
“You’ll do me no good in all that metal!” She reached and began to lift his helmet off his shoulders but Adama pulled back just out of her reach. “Oh come now, I said I need a warm body. You won’t need your armor to protect you in here, I promise I won’t bite.” Laura laughed again, a deep throaty laugh that turned into an all out giggle.
Adama relented and stepped back to the ground to begin removing his chest plate and chainmail suit. He tucked his sword inside the carriage, a quick look telling Laura he would not be separated from his weapon. She nodded in acquiescence and continued watching as the toned arms and large chest of the Constable were slowly revealed.
When his body was finally free and the Field Marshal who had come to help walked away snickering with the heavy armor, Constable Adama began climbing into the carriage once again.
Laura moved back to the opposite side, making room in the large carriage, but Adama’s frame still managed to fill all the remaining space, leaving Laura with the sense that she was being overcome by this recalcitrant man.
Once finally seated as far from her as possible, Laura saw the Constable, for the first time, appearing ill at ease.
“Come now, Constable, it can’t be that bad,” Laura smiled wide. “Do try to get comfortable. Look at young Billy,” she gestured to a large lump on the opposite seat. “He’s already fast asleep.” Laura heard what sounded like a grunt come from the man beside her. She snorted and moved toward the center of the bench. “Just lean back a bit, perhaps prop your feet up on the opposite seat. Yes, like that. And I’ll just slip right in here.”
Laura felt Adama tense as she pressed her body against his side. She ignored his reaction, pulling his nearest arm up and around her head so she could rest her forehead on his shoulder. She briefly considered she may be crossing the bounds of propriety but figured she had long ago given up being considered a proper lady and if any one can get away with fudging the line a bit, it’s the future queen.
Laura got comfortable, already feeling the warmth radiating from Adama’s body begin to thaw the chill that had begun to set into her limbs. This close, she could smell the dirt and sweat accumulated through the day’s journey but beneath the sharp odor was a pleasant musk, reminiscent of pine and spice. It was a comforting scent and Laura relaxed into the pleasant feelings it evoked.
Just on the edges of oblivion, Laura finally felt the body beside her relax. The strong chest rose and fell without the tension and anger it originally held. A few soft strands of hair tickled her forehead where his head had leant slightly toward her. The muscular arm behind her neck became softer, warmer, a more welcoming pillow to her tired frame. And just as she drifted off, Laura felt a tingle rise up her spine as gentle fingers curled around her upper arm and began a steady rhythm rubbing circles through the muslin of her dress.
The Princess smiled softly and fell asleep.