Pairing: Adama/Roslin, Liz Lemon, various BSG (BSG/30 Rock Crossover)
Word Count: 329 (Haiku format)
Author’s Note: Written for the
adama_roslin Secret Valentine exchange. My Valentine was
whatever_lj and this is my attempt to meet all elements of the request: a remix, a poem, and if you squint, some definite longing! This is my first attempt at remixing, writing bsg poetry, and doing any kind of crossover! The original is by far a million times more entertaining, and you should go read it here:
Battlestar Rocks and hopefully my gift doesn’t detract from it too much!
PS: I actually had this ready on the first posting day, but got nervous and then life got the best of me! Sorry for posting on the next-to-last day!
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Ronald D. Moore. He’s a very lucky man. Oh and 30 Rock belongs to Tina Fey, a wonderfully funny woman!
Lemon saw red first
Copies were second, third, fourth
Fifth was one gold ring
Since her arrival
Liz Lemon had been impressed
Dealbreaker would Rock!
Stories abounded
Workplace relationships failed
No end was in sight
The food was decent
A few men had caught her eye
Liz thought she might stay
Sure there were problems
The ship was falling apart
Earth had been a bust
But the drugs were good
Really, really, really good
And legal to boot
Then she met Gauis
His groupies preached about love
A little too much
When they came for her
Lemon knew her time was up
Group sex was a NO!
But how to get home?
She’d been brought by an old man
Who’d called her Daughter
Something about tribes
It will all happen again
And hybrid children
Lemon had been creeped
Lemon didn’t want to know
Lemon wanted Jack
Coffee girl was gone
Copy girl was having sex
That sweet girl was dead
That left just one course
Her research had been fruitful
But Liz longed for home
After getting lost
More times than she would admit
Her last hope appeared
Drowning in grey sweats
Glowing from feet to scarved head
Liz began to beg
The President laughed
Lemon knew this wasn’t good
Gorgeous but insane
Liz ran after her
Stood watch for a tender kiss
And pleaded her case
There was no hope though
Roslin wanted to live life
Liz was on her own
She found a closet
Algae, noodle sauce, and hooch
A coup raged outside
Seven days later
A Six with goo drags her out
Sisters fix her up
In the Admiral’s room
Roslin lounges in a robe
Bill Adama reads
A Six and Lemon
Find the pair cuddled quite close
Liz begs yet again
Bill promises help
All are abandoning ship
Lemon will go too
A heavy raider
Leaves Galactica behind
Lemon feels relief
Crazy, frak’n world
Lemon is glad to go home
But where are her clothes?