Title: The Unity that Comes from Love
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Word Count: 677
Author’s Note: Written for the
adama_roslin Month of Love prompt: “Loyalty”. It’s short, but still my longest A/R ficlet to date!
Italic text all comes from The Ties That Bind episode. Ficlet title borrowed from battlestar wiki’s notes on the title of the episode
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Comments 17
This connection you make here is wonderful:
Bill had never given himself a chance to believe in her when she sent Starbuck on a mission of faith. But now here she is helping him cover for his pseudo daughter in an act of faith that is beginning to far outstrip her own reserves on the matter.
And this just makes me hurt for him. I love that she sees this in him:
What Bill Adama wants to believe in is people. His people. He is tired of losing faith in the people he loves.
Your ending is heartbreaking--in a good, BSG way. :)
Because it's not only that she's dying but also that this is the road to Laura losing her own faith. I always felt like finding Earth was just the straw that broke the camel's back for Laura.
She was already walking away from the gods long before that. Otherwise, I think she would have trusted Kara far more than she did. Somewhere along the way, Laura had stopped believing in the prophecy and started believing in herself which is why she took it so hard on herself when Earth was a mess.
OMGs! where are all the comments? this one is amazing!
i hate that scene betwee them when she's so angry and he's just standing there waiting to leave.
you gave this a whole new layer of comprehension:
Bill had never given himself a chance to believe in her when she sent Starbuck on a mission of faith. But now here she is helping him cover for his pseudo daughter in an act of faith that is beginning to far outstrip her own reserves on the matter.
damn. i never thought about that!
Yes, Bill Adama has always been loyal. But for once loyalty isn’t enough. Bill wants to believe.
must be hard to accept when she thought he was an atheist...
your ending kills me ç_ç i ♥ it!
That's what I get for not writing fluffy! lol
i hate that scene betwee them when she's so angry and he's just standing there waiting to leave.
Every time I watch this scene, I'm struck by Laura's disgust that she's covering for him, so I chose the "loyalty" prompt with the intention of exploring why she did that. But then I realized it really wasn't about her reaction, so much as Bill's decision...and things followed from there!
your ending kills me
Yep, see above. sorry!
lol ... nah ... I think Friday is a busy day for a lot of people
I live for angst, anyway :D
That's the truth! I picked the prompt not the day and then couldn't figure out why I picked a FRIDAY the day before a bachelorette party I was planning!
I live for angst, anyway :D
Anyone who survived BSG as an A/R shipper has to have a big place in their heart for angst :D
Bill had never given himself a chance to believe in her when she sent Starbuck on a mission of faith.
And then following it through to here:
He’d start with a daughter who may already be dead and a President who would be soon.
Laura is beginning to suspect Bill will need to believe for both of them before long.
I love that they're starting to switch places and that it foreshadows that moment at the end of 'Faith'. His faith is really in people.
This was fantastic!
I love that they're starting to switch places and that it foreshadows that moment at the end of 'Faith'. His faith is really in people.
Yes! The more I explored this scene, the more I was drawn to this conclusion. Sometimes I wonder if RDM was really intentional with all this foreshadowing or if we've just ratcheted up his brilliancy rating by analyzing this show so much! I'll go ahead and give him the credit for being brilliant!
The scene does seem so abrupt! Glad to find out I'm not the only one who's gotten hung up on it. I wanted to do so much more in exploring it - like where did Tom & Tory go after the press conference and what was the conversation like when Bill told Laura about the Demetrius to begin with, etc...but alas, I have yet to tackle a fic over 1,000 words
But now here she is helping him cover for his pseudo daughter in an act of faith that is beginning to far outstrip her own reserves on the matter.
There is almost a sense of jealousy from Laura here that Bill is willing to go so far out on a limb for Kara when he wasn’t for her. Poor Bill was really torn between two women that he loved in this situation. Laura was dying and Kara had made it clear that she was going to keep trying until she got herself killed. I think what Laura is failing to realize is that he has more faith in her than anyone else, he just hasn’t had to show it yet. Really the more I think about all the interesting issues you brought up, the more I like this piece. Well done. I look forward to seeing you break the 1000 word mark. :)
I think this is right on and I don't think Laura realizes yet just how much faith Bill has in her. I think she often misses the subtleties because she's so caught up in the mythos that's been spun around her.
I look forward to seeing you break the 1000 word mark.
I have things in progress but I work best with deadlines...another challenge/mol may be needed to get me to the finish line!
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