FIC: Letting the cold in

Dec 17, 2006 23:31

Author: nuttaxbutta
Fandom: Robin Hood [Oh, go away].
Rating: 12? One mention of sex, no bad words.
Pairing: Will/ Djaq and slight Allan/Djaq
Summary: Must keep the cold out. Got to keep the cold out. Never let it in. She’d made that mistake once before. She’d let the cold in. She’d let him in.

Warning: Will is very out of character as pointed out, but I was only trying to show the very worst of his character by making him overly evil. Of course he could never be so, but... Well, let's pretend, kay?
XO I hope you can still believe and enjoy the story :

She lay on the ground, her knees tucked up against her chest as yet another gust of ice brushed past her defences. The cold air had a stinging effect, and her lips shuddered in response. Her eyes were squeezed shut, closing any entry ways for the frost to get in.
Must keep the cold out. Got to keep the cold out. Never let it in. She’d made that mistake once before. She’d let the cold in. She’d let him in.
And she’d only just survived it. He unfortunately hadn’t. The one man she chose to trust had broken her down like one of his scraps of metal. She’d changed, they’d all seen it. The once confident, witty, snarky woman had turned into a reckless, uncomfortable, careless and lifeless shell. She’d lost all sense of who she was, and who she was trying to become.
When he turned to the other side, when he befriend the Sheriff, the others saw no shame in killing him behind her back. They knew she’d protest if she’d have known. She still loved him. The man who had destroyed her, had carved her into his own twisted creation, was still the man she desired.
When she found out though, they were all surprised when no tears came. Not even a sob was heard for weeks. Until suddenly, one night as she went for a walk to get some peace from the over-protective herd of testosterone, she broke. She’d tripped on a rock and had cut her leg open, causing a shock of pain to shoot up her leg. Tears sprung to her eyes and she poked at the slash with her index finger, placing as little pressure as possible onto it.
Once the tears had started, they couldn’t stop. What was started over a cut, turned into reminder of when she’d treated him for his pain, turned into when he hugged her as a thank you, turned into passionate love-making against a random tree in a silent forest. Turned into him dead. Murdered. Killed. Stabbed.
She soon forgot about her physical pain, and focused completely on the overwhelming weight pushing down on her chest as she wept into herself. She rocked back and forth as tears poured down her cheeks, falling onto her tatty clothes.
She had no idea how long she’d laid their crying, but it had been dark and light again before she heard any noise other than her own breathing. She’d stopped crying hours before, and just sat on the floor, staring ahead as the cold air swirled around her.
She heard his best friend call out her name, twigs breaking as he ran towards her. She could feel his best friend stop next to her, pausing as if wondering what to do with the still girl in front of him.
His best friend was the cause of her first smile in months as he got onto the floor, lay behind her back and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, reminding her that he was there for her, and everything was going to be okay.
And after what seemed like a lifetime, she was finally starting to believe it herself.

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will/djaq, fic: robin hood, fanfiction, allan/djaq, allan/djaq/will, robin hood

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