Q: How did my character get here?
A: However you like really. Maybe they fell asleep and woke up here. Maybe they were just not here one moment then here the next. Maybe they boarded a flight to somewhere else and ended up here instead. Be creative!
Q: Can my character leave the city?
A: Nope. It would be hard to have a game like this that way.
Q: When my character arrives, where do they "wake up?"
A: They will wake up in their assigned room in the apartment complex at the center of the city.
Q: Does my character still have their powers in the city?
A: Nope. No powers. Sorry. Just one more inconvenience to deal with.
Q: Is there a currency here?
A: Yep! You were pulled here AND you have to get a job! AW MAN!
Q: Is the city safe?
A: Ahahaha ehehe... in a word, no.
Q: What makes the city unsafe?
A: Let me rephrase. The city is safe. Until 2:00 am rolls around. Then, there is complete darkness. And hey, who knows what roams out there at night? Stock up on candles, no building is safe from this unexplained power outage. You will hear bumps and screams, and creaks in the night. You are safe in your room though. If you're able to sleep, your dreams will be filled with unexplained visions of dark shadows and things that lurk in them. But you never really get a clear view. Better for you that you don't anyway. Good news though, it only lasts for 2 hours a night. At 4am, all is well again. Until tomorrow night.
Q: Can my character be killed?
A: If they find themselves caught out after dark, yes. But if they are, they will simply wake right back up in their bed with a few boo-boos and no memory of how they got those scrapes and scratches. All they will have is a few memorable flashes of what seems to be a very vivid dream. (The mods ask that death is not over done please~ ♥ Meaning, don't make this an every day thing.)
Q: What does this place look like?
A: Like a regular city. Many were pulled here just like you, and they've made the most of it. It's actually a pretty big city. This has kind of been going on for a while. Since way before you even graced the earth. There are streets, and buildings, skyscrapers, entertainment, nightclubs, bars, restaurants and all that jazz. Did I mention the big unbreakable glass dome surrounding the city? Yeah there's that too.
Q: How do I interact with other characters in this game?
A: Each character will have a journal and an AIM screen name. You may interact through comments in the character journals, or message said character on AIM. From there it is up to you to set up scenes over instant messenger or whatever works for you and stay active. There will also be permanent chat rooms set up so that more than two characters will be able to interact at any given time. These will be listed in a members only area.
If you have any questions you would like answered that were not answered here, you may comment here and I will gladly answer them.