Ben's About to be Filling Both Leslie Voids (2/5)

May 15, 2014 21:37

Title: Ben's About to be Filling Both Leslie Voids (2/5)
Pairing: Ben/Leslie
Rating: NC-17 (overall)

Part1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

"Wait. What? She? Who said I'd be into that? Ann?"

"No, Donna."

Ben stood up quickly from the bed and stared at Leslie. "Donna? Donna said I'd be into anal? But...wait, you two were talking about me"

She giggled again. "Well, not specifically." She looked like she was reconsidering that statement, "Okay, kind of specifically. But really, guys in general. But since you're my guy, I guess it was you specifically. We were talking about doing things back there and I said I wasn't sure you'd want to do that and she started laughing and said..."

Leslie stopped here and made a fairly convincing Donna expression before continuing, "Yeah, your boy will be into that. The nice ones are usually just too shy to bring it up."

"And then we ordered some things online--from a female-positive sex store, of course. It'll probably be here in a few days. I got lube too. Oh, and also some fuzzy red handcuffs, not that I don't like using your ties, but...these are fuzzy and red, Ben. And a new vibrator. Because it was sparkly. Also, if I'm buying a butt plug, lube, and fuzzy handcuffs, I might as well buy a sparkly vibrator too. It's just good financial sense." She pulled her bra off through her sleeve and snuggled down into the covers, giving him a self-satisfied grin.

"Leslie, no. If you already have a vibrator, it's not really good financial sense to buy another one. But, we can come back to that. I'd rather talk about you, Donna, April, and Ann sitting around and discussing our...bedroom activities? And then ordering sex toys?" Were these questions or statements? He wasn't even sure because Ben was starting to feel a little stress-ball action forming in the pit of his stomach.

He sat back down on the bed. Should he stand back up? Are his shoes off? He should take them off. He looked down and was relieved to see he was just wearing socks.

Ben suddenly wished he could just rewind this whole conversation back a few minutes and just stop right when Leslie first said what she wanted them to do. Because that was super awesome. This was just...well, still super awesome but the new information also made him feel like he was also about to have an aneurism.

"Well," she yawned, "Ann fell asleep and April left after only a hour or so, something about Ann's house being boring and wanting to go see Mouse Rat's gig, so it was really just me and Donna. And we talked about her sex life too, so it wasn't all about me. Plus, we made margaritas." Leslie patted his arm for emphasis. "So, it's okay."

"But Donna's going to know that we're...oh god."

"Ben, it's no big deal. Besides, I think all of our friends know we have, what did you call it? Oh, right, bedroom activities. Although we also have kitchen activities. And bathroom--"

"Yeah, okay. But not specific details. And not kinky stuff."

She started making a face.

"Leslie? Wait. Who knows details?"

"No one! Of course not. I wouldn't tell anyone...why would you think I'd...that's private! Maybe you're the one telling people our details! Well, okay, Ann, knows stuff of course. I mean not everything, but some things. Most things." She looked at him, incredulous. "Ben, you can't expect me not to brag about how good you are at...the details. Like using your tongue. I mean seriously. And all the sex in general, really. That's just not a secret I can keep from my best friend!"

After that passionate response, she then gave him a sleepy smile and he couldn't help but smile back at her just a little. Maybe he even felt his shoulders un-knot just a bit. Women talk to each other about sex. He knew that. But this was kind of a work-type situation too, and she was in the middle of a campaign, and they'd already had a sex scandal, so there was that. But, Donna seemed...somewhat shrewd when it came to personal matters. And Ann knowing things about his and Leslie's sex life wasn't a complete surprise--although, he wished maybe he didn't know that for sure.

But Leslie wanted him that thing with her (and possibly more). Maybe this would be okay. It took him a second to realize that she was still talking.

"And, well, Ron knows about Eleanor Roosevelt and Ruth Bader Ginsberg, of course, but that was entirely your fault. Or rather, your butt's fault," she gave him a wistful look. "It's probably the only thing that your butt's ever done that I've been disappointed in. But, Donna can be discreet."

He sighed. Then nodded, starting to relax a bit more. But then Leslie continued, "It's not like I was sitting there having a discussion with April about you and I doing kinky butt things." She paused again. "Hmmmm, at least I think April had left before we made the margaritas."

Ben could feel his eyes widening and well, so much for his shoulders unknotting. "Oh my god," he stood up and then sat back down quickly and put his head in his hands. "She's my roommate. She lives here. She's never going to let go of that. Oh my god, what if she tells Orin?" He was really unnerved by Orin.

"We can't do this here if April might have heard about it." He continued, looking up at her and grabbing her hands, "Leslie, you're going to have to clean your house, because we can't do this here. Maybe, I should move too."

"Ben. Sweet, sweet, dorky Ben." She put a finger up to his lips. "Shhhhh. Babe, I was just messing with you. That was kind of mean. I'm sorry. It was just me and Donna. And the margaritas. I promise. It's no big deal. Donna is not going to tease you, or tell anyone, or even mention it ever. You don't have to move and, more importantly, I don't have to clean my house. Now, I think you should get in this bed with me right now and cuddle me to sleep. I'm going to take a nap and then go wash my face."

He was still freaked out, but it was so hard to not do exactly what Leslie wanted when she was being so sleepily adorable and wanted to cuddle. And also, she had just unbuttoned her shirt and taken that off, so now she was just wearing her panties and was holding the covers out for him--so he really had no choice but to strip down to his boxers, slide in next to her, and cuddle.

"The butt plug is purple. It's kind of cute," she whispered in his ear, before drifting off to sleep.

--> Part 3.

first time fic, kinkmeme fic, campaign fic, butt stuff fic, smutty fic

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